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Speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at CDAC 20th Anniversary Celebrations (English)

Mr Wee Cho Yaw, Chairman, CDAC Board of Trustees Mr Lim Swee Say, Chairman, CDAC Board of Directors Distinguished guests Ladies and gentlemen 1.     I am happy to celebrate CDAC’s 20th anniversary with you tonight. 2.

Speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at CDAC 20th Anniversary Celebrations (Chinese)

华社自助理事会信托委员会主席黄祖耀先生 华社自助理事会主席林瑞生部长 各位来宾 各位朋友 大家晚上好 1.     我很高兴今晚能够跟大家在一起庆祝华社自助理事会成立20周年纪念。 2.     二十多年前,我们的建国工作开始开花结果,经济也奠定了稳固的基础,我们正从第三世界迈向第一世界。当时,蓬勃的经济和政府有效的政策,造就了新一代的新加坡人。他们积极探讨社会应有的目标,

Statement from the Prime Minister on new awards for community initiatives, social service and the arts

Following the ministerial salary adjustments in 2007, I announced that I would donate to charity the increase in my own salary for a period of five years.
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