
Showing 31 - 40 of 69 results

Transcript of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's Dialogue at IIMpact Gala Dinner

The dialogue is moderated by Piyush Gupta Mr Gupta: Prime Minister, thank you for being here. Let me echo Sanjiv’s thanks on behalf of the entire Indian Institutes of Management (IIM) alumni community to you for grtraacing this occasion.

Transcript of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s speech at Berita Harian Anugerah Jauhari event

Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Press Holdings Mr Alan Chan Editor-in-chief, English Malay Newspaper Division SPH Mr Patrick Daniel Editor Berita Harian Mr Saat Abdul Rahman Good evening to all of you, ladies and gentlemen.

Transcript of PM Lee's Dialogue at FutureChina Global Forum on 17 July at Shangri-La Hotel

Moderator:  Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to see you here tonight. The stress of moderating tonight’s dialogue suddenly hit me very hard this morning when I got up and to tell you very frankly,

Speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at Chung Cheng High School's 75th Anniversary Gala Dinner, 10 July 2014

中正中学董事会主席 黄祖耀先生 中正总校校长 彭俊豪先生 义顺分校校长 叶天泉先生 各位老师、家长、中正校友和同学们 大家晚上好! 首先,我要衷心祝贺中正中学75周年校庆快乐! 这些年来,中正中学为学生提供了全面的中学教育 ,而校方也持续向学生传递优良华族文化和价值观。从创校至今,75年了,中正中学培育了一代又一代的莘莘学子。二战后的第一届全国会考中—就是1946年的会考,中正以优异的成绩,在全国名列前矛。一直到70年代末,1979年,我们设立特选中学时,中正获选为特选中学之一,

Speech by PM Lee Hsien Loong at launch of Speak Mandarin Campaign 2014

    推广华语理事会主席 萧作鸣先生     前主席 黃昭虎教授   先生们、女士们 大家下午好。 “讲华语运动”已经推行了35年,我很荣幸能为这一届的“讲华语运动”主持推展仪式。 在1979年,建国总理李光耀先生为第一届的“讲华语运动” 拉开了序幕。在那个年代,华人之间多数只讲方言。碰到需要把重要的讯息传达给整个华族群体时,真的很不简单。还有,当不同方言籍贯的人聚在一起,不一定能理解对方在说什么,鸡同鸭讲。所以,

PM Lee Hsien Loong's Speech at Mr S R Nathan's 90th Birthday Celebrations

Mr S R Nathan Mrs Nathan President and Mrs Tony Tan Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen INTRODUCTION First,

Speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Opening of Temasek Holdings' New York Office, 26 June 2014

Mr Lim Boon Heng Chairman, Temasek Holdings Board and management of Temasek Holdings Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen Introduction I am happy to open Temasek’s office in New York.

Politico's interview with PM Lee Hsien Loong

Susan Glasser: Thank you very much, Mr Prime Minister. I really appreciate your time today and I am looking forward to our conversation. I am going to jump right into Washington and you called it yesterday,

Dialogue at Council on Foreign Relations

Stapleton Roy: I would like to welcome you all to what has been billed as a conversation with the Prime Minister of Singapore.My name is Stapleton Roy. I am a retired Foreign Service officer who is now with the Woodrow Wilson Centre.

Transcript of PM's Speech at the USSFTA 10th Anniversary Reception at the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC on 24 June 2014

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all very much for joining us this afternoon.