

State Visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping - Nov 2015

President of the People’s Republic of China His Excellency Xi Jinping met Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on 7 November 2015. PM Lee and President Xi agreed that bilateral relations have grown significantly since the establishment of diplomatic ties 25 years ago. Over the years, the bilateral relationship has kept pace with the changing needs and capabilities of the two countries. Building on the excellent relationship founded by the pioneer leaders of both sides, especially the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Mr Deng Xiaoping, both leaders reaffirmed their hope to expand cooperation in areas including social governance, finance, human resource development, education, cultural and people-to-people exchanges.

Following the meeting, PM Lee and President Xi witnessed the signing of eight Memoranda of Understanding and agreements. These include the exchange of letters for the official launch of negotiations for the CSFTA upgrade, agreements to launch the third Government-to-Government project in Chongqing, and other agreements on education cooperation, urban management, and collaboration between the two Customs. The agreements reflect the breadth and depth of our bilateral cooperation.

President Xi and Mdm Peng Liyuan were hosted to a private lunch by PM Lee and Mrs Lee at the Singapore Botanic Gardens where an orchid hybrid “Papilionanda” was named in their honour.

(MCI Photos by Chwee, LH Goh and Terence Tan)

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  • State Visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping on 7 Nov 2015 (MCI Photo by Chwee)
  • State Visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping on 7 Nov 2015 (MCI Photo by LH Goh)
  • State Visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping on 7 Nov 2015 (MCI Photo by Chwee)
  • State Visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping on 7 Nov 2015 (MCI Photo by LH Goh)
  • State Visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping on 7 Nov 2015 (MCI Photo by Terence Tan)
  • State Visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping on 7 Nov 2015 (MCI Photo by Chwee)
  • State Visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping on 7 Nov 2015 (MCI Photo by LH Goh)
  • State Visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping on 7 Nov 2015 (MCI Photo by Chwee)
  • State Visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping on 7 Nov 2015 (MCI Photo by LH Goh)
  • State Visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping on 7 Nov 2015 (MCI Photo by Terence Tan)