DPM Heng Swee Keat at the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Spring Heritage Gifting Ceremony

DPM Heng Swee Keat | 28 February 2021

Remarks by Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies and Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat at the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Spring Heritage Gifting Ceremony on 28 February 2021.


福建会馆监理会副主席、前任会长 蔡天宝先生、

福建会馆会长 陈精毅先生、






会馆捐赠的文献非常丰富、珍贵,记载着不同时代的新加坡。会馆和国家图书馆管理局选出了两份别具意义的文件,作为今天的仪式所用的文献。这两份文件都和福建会馆的发源地—天福宫有关。其中一份是这批文献中历史最悠久,1828年的购地契约原件。另一份是1838年,带有福建先贤陈笃生签名的契据。文献也见证重大历史事件, 例如日据时期的借条和收据,让我们更了解当时的生活。

除了捐赠文献,福建会馆也将和国家图书馆管理局合作设立网上检索指南,方便公众和学者查询和会馆相关的历史资料, 让公众更深入了解新加坡的历史。


福建会馆发展至今,经过多次转型,求新求变,与时俱进,才取得今天的成绩。从上个世纪20年代更新会务,80年代成立文化艺术团体,到2010年代引进更多年轻会员加入会馆, 加速理事会的年轻化,会馆一路走来并不容易。


所以,今年的财政预算案中,政府继续帮助受到疫情最严重影响的行业、工友和有需要的群体。同时,我们要为将来做好打算, 在危机中寻找新的机遇,大力推动经济转型和可持续发展。


Good afternoon, everyone. It is my pleasure to join you at the Hokkien Huay Kuan Spring Reception and Heritage Gifting Ceremony.

The Hokkien Huay Kuan has a long and rich history of over 180 years. The Hokkien community, together with other Chinese clan associations, and immigrant community groups, have contributed significantly towards nation-building. This makes the gifting ceremony today very meaningful, as Hokkien Huay Kuan is donating over 4,300 heritage documents from different eras to the National Library Board. The documents include two land sales indentures, comprising the original dated 1828 and the transfer indenture dated 1838, relating to the Thian Hock Keng temple. It is one of the oldest temples in Singapore and where Hokkien Huay Kuan originated from. The transfer indenture also bears the signature of Mr Tan Tock Seng, who is of Hokkien descent, and one of Singapore's most eminent philanthropists. There are also important materials of key historical events, such as the Japanese Occupation, that offer insights into the everyday lives of people. This donation is a valuable addition to the National Library’s collection. It will help Singaporeans understand the contributions of Hokkien Huay Kuan towards Singapore’s development, and gain a deeper appreciation of Singapore’s rich history.

Over the years, the Hokkien community in Singapore has worked together, not just with other Chinese clan associations, but with our Malay, Indian and other communities to build a multi-racial, multi-cultural society. This includes promoting education, arts and culture, and providing social services to fellow Singaporeans, regardless of their background. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Huay Kuan continues to give back to society. Huay Kuan volunteers worked with the Temasek Foundation and the People’s Association to distribute hand sanitisers and masks to residents. The volunteers also helped them to apply for Government’s support grants.

The Hokkien Huay Kuan has come a long way, and proven your ability to adapt and stay relevant. I hope that the Huay Kuan and our Hokkien community will continue the good work and carry on the legacy of Hokkien luminaries, working together with fellow Singaporeans, to emerge stronger together, and to create a better home for future generations.

最后,我祝愿新加坡在新的一年里,国泰民安,祝福建会馆业务蒸蒸日上,同时也祝各位身体健康、 顺顺利利、新年进步!谢谢大家。