DPM Heng Swee Keat at the Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan 90th Anniversary Celebration Dinner

DPM Heng Swee Keat | 26 October 2019

Speech by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat at the Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan 90th Anniversary Celebration Dinner on 26 October 2019.


All our ambassadors based in Singapore 


今年是新加坡开埠 200 周年, 也是新加坡潮州八邑会馆庆祝创会 90 周年。 

这两个具有历史意义的活动, 是我们认识历史,温故知新,的适当时刻。 

国人对各族先贤如何建设新加坡, 有了更深的认识。 

当年的华社领袖设立宗乡会馆和商会, 帮助同乡融入本地生活,以及协助他们创业。 

林义顺为首的潮州先辈们在 1929 年创立了潮州八邑会馆。他们热心公益, 捐地办学校,促进乡亲在本地的福利。 

90 年来,会馆不忘初衷, 发挥互助精神, 扶贫济弱, 继续为新加坡做出贡献。 

环顾当今的世界局势, 我们真是处在一个多事之秋。 


我国也受到影响。在现阶段, 我国经济增长放缓。但是, 新加坡的经济依然保有竞争力。劳资政三方也密切关注国内外的经济局势。

我们面对挑战时, 也要能够把握机遇。世界的经济中心已经转移至亚洲。

上个星期, 我和中国副总理韩正担任新中双边合作委员会联合主席。这次访华共有九位担任政治职务的同事陪同。我也与王岐山副主席、刘鹤副总理、重庆市委书记陈敏尔,天津市委书记李洪忠会晤。我们讨论了许多新的合作项目,特别是新加坡在“一带一路”倡议和中国的区域发展战略上所能扮演的角色, 扩大我们的双边合作。


十月初, 我在印度新德里进行了访问。我与莫迪总理等官员会晤, 探讨如何加强两国在不同领域的合作。我也为世界经济论坛举行的印度经济峰会担任联合主席。我们讨论了如何加强南亚区, 亚细安和亚洲、各国之间的合作。之前, 我也到日本参加二十国集团峰会。我也会见了日本首相安倍晋三。

政府与世界各国建立合作关系, 共同开发项目的当儿, 国人也必须抓住这些机遇,迎接未来。这样, 我们的经济才能够继续发展, 人民各方面的生活能得到提升。

民间团体在推广国人和国际社群的互动上, 同样扮演很重要的角色。

今天, 在座当中有许多来自东南亚、中国和本地的会馆代表。八邑会馆一直积极与区域和国际潮团, 以及本地的各个会馆联系, 让本地潮州人跟海外的潮州人建立联系, 加强交流与合作。我在《新加坡潮人故事》的访问中有提到, 扩大潮人的圈子, 联系广大的社群, 是明智之举。

我们可以进一步扩大到不同籍贯, 不同种族, 并通过文化上的交流, 促进经济方面的合作。 

我在 2014 年参加过由八邑会馆青年团主办的国际潮青联谊会。当时, 会馆表示希望通过联谊会为青年提供交流平台, 促进彼此之间的联系。

会馆也在 2018 年,把 “潮人企业家奖” 扩大为 “亚细安潮人企业家奖 ” , 联合亚细安的企业家, 合办商贸交流平台, 为本区域的潮商创造更多商机, 推广潮人创业精神。

近几年, 会馆在弘扬传统文化, 推广潮州文化上做出了不少努力。

例如, 主办潮州节。过去两届潮州节, 内容丰富, 向国人介绍潮州文化艺术的成就, 促进不同籍贯, 不同种族之间的相互了解。八邑会馆在明年将举办第三届潮州节。对此, 大家都期待。

去年和今年初, 会馆先后出版了《新加坡潮人故事》中英文版及数码版,让年轻一代的国人更了解潮州人在新加坡的历史。我在主持英文版的发布仪式上,也肯定了会馆对本地社会的贡献。

值得鼓舞的是, 会馆在培育年轻一代接班上也有不错的成果。我得知会馆的青年团非常活跃, 希望我们当中的年轻一代能够青出于蓝而胜于蓝。

潮州人是新加坡华族第二大方言族群。我们潮州人常讲一句话 “潮州人,家己人”。我之前在《新加坡潮人故事》的访问和发布仪式上提到这句话的含义。在新加坡,我们也应该把每个人视为“家己人”。因此,我鼓励会馆把“潮人一家亲”这种精神推广为 “新加坡人一家亲”。

为了欢庆 90 周年这个重要的里程碑, 会馆把会庆带到了潮州先辈林义顺开发的地区。林义顺是潮州人, 但他绝对不只为潮州人的福利努力。他看到的是整个华人社群的需要。例如,他开拓三巴旺地区种植橡胶与黄梨, 还和陈嘉庚一同创办华侨中学。我们今天应该把他这种精神发扬光大, 群策群力。

今天的义顺经从当年的橡胶园和黄梨园发展成一个应有尽有、具有活力的市镇。今晚,会馆邀请了 500 名来自不同种族、不同籍贯的居民,以及许多来自不同宗乡会馆的代表一起庆祝,发挥了“新加坡人一家亲”的精神。

新加坡是一个多元种族、多元宗教、多元文化的社会, 我们在保留和弘扬自己的传统文化的同时, 也要发挥包容心, 与各族群和谐共处。


I will now say a few words in English. I am happy to see Ambassadors, representatives from Embassies, representatives from different local and international clan associations, as well as Yishun residents gathered here tonight to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan.

Singapore is a multi-racial, multi-cultural, and multi-religious society.

Over the years, Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan has been actively promoting the local Teochew culture, and giving back to society.

It is befitting that the celebration tonight is held in Yishun, which is named after Teochew pioneer Mr Lim Nee Soon, a respected businessman and community leader. Mr Lim was also the first President of the Huay Kuan. In the early 1900s, he developed rubber and pineapple plantations in this area. Over the years, we have redeveloped Yishun to become a vibrant and liveable town today.

Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan’s activities such as this celebration and the Teochew Festival, have helped Singaporeans from different dialect groups and races to gain a better understanding of our local Teochew culture, and promote bonding.

The Huay Kuan has also inculcated important values like filial piety in our young people. For example, two young Teochew students invented Qanemate – a portable mobility aid holder, to help the elderly manage their walking sticks. Glad to know that they will be donating Qanemates and walking sticks to elderly residents in Yishun.

Such deeds will also help to promote a more caring and inclusive society.

Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan has also been actively reaching out to other Teochews locally and abroad. Your youth chapter is active. Many of the youths are also connecting with overseas Teochews, and building networks in the region.

I encourage the Huay Kuan to continue to build relationships and cultural exchanges with overseas Teochews. Through such exchanges, we can also enhance economic and other areas of cooperation. I am also very happy to see so many Ambassadors from different countries here with us. It shows that the outreach reaches beyond just clans and races, but really to people from all over the world.

This year, we are commemorating our Bicentennial and a big part of our Bicentennial is to reflect on our past, so that we can look forward to the future. One important aspect of reflecting on the past is our values as a society, such as self-determination, staying open and connected to the world, and being multi-racial and multi-cultural.

We will have to make an effort if we want Singapore to be a better place, and if we want our lives to be better. So,I hope we will reflect on these values, and expand our network of cooperation to the world. On that note, I would like to invite all of you to join me to wish Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan a very happy 90th anniversary. Let me say a few words back in Mandarin.

最后, 我要祝贺潮州八邑会馆,百尺竿头, 更进一步。希望贵会能发扬“新加坡人,家己人”精神, 友爱互助。我祝福在场的海内外嘉宾以及义顺居民们, 生活愉快、身体健康、家庭幸福、事业成功 。我也祝贺这里的商人, 财源广进!