DPM Lawrence Wong at Official Opening of Huang Shi Zong Hui’s Building (黄氏总会新大厦揭幕仪式)

PM Lawrence Wong | 24 September 2022

Speech by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong at the Official Opening of Huang Shi Zong Hui’s Building (黄氏总会新大厦揭幕仪式) on 24 September 2022.


Dear Chairman and Committee members of the Huang Clan, 

Distinguished Guests,

I’ll say a few words in English and then I’ll speak in Mandarin later on.

First, very good to be here with all of you, our fellow Huang Clan members. Very good to see my fellow Parliamentarians. We have got Dawn, Ling Ling, Louis and Shawn here – we have a very good representation today.

In Singapore, you can be a ‘Wee’, you can be a ‘Ng’, you can be a ‘Huang’, you can be a ‘Wong’, but at the end, the Mandarin word is the same. 都是黄,都是五百年前一家人。

So we can all trace our ancestral roots back to the same clan, the Huang Clan in China. Of course, now we are in Singapore, and after so many years, we have evolved our own distinctive Singaporean Chinese identity. It is an identity that is part of Singapore; part of a multiracial, multicultural society. It is an identity that we can be very proud of, for the Huang Clan, especially having almost 100 years of history. 

You saw from the video, how it has evolved, and how our pioneers, very wisely, chose to buy a piece of land here in the early 50s. How much was the land, did you see? $30,500. In those days, this was a lot of money, but look at how much of a return they have reaped from that investment. And I am very glad today we are at another important milestone where we have completed the redevelopment of the clan building. I think we should give a big round of applause to everyone for this important milestone.

I hope we can continue to innovate, adapt, keep up with the times; that the clan will continue to build itself, bring in young people and renew itself, and transform itself to be relevant to society, and to continue to help build our community in Singapore, and help take our nation forward. So thank you very much and once again, congratulations to everyone in the Huang Clan on this important milestone.

黄氏总会会长黄国鸿先, 黄氏同仁、各位嘉宾、女士们先生们,大家晚上好!













