PM Lee Hsien Loong at Hua Yi Secondary School 60th Anniversary Appreciation Dinner

SM Lee Hsien Loong | 2 November 2016

PM Lee Hsien Loong at Hua Yi Secondary School 60th Anniversary Appreciation Dinner on 2 November 2016.


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Good evening everybody. A very happy 60th anniversary, happy birthday to all the Hua Yians who are here tonight; the students, alumni, teachers, principals and ex-staff who are back here with us. Let me start with a speech in Mandarin and then I will continue in English.






在出席晚宴前,我参观了翻新之后的华义历史长廊,华义苑,让我对华义中学的历史有了更深的了解。历史长廊把华义三个不同校舍的点点滴滴汇集起来,让每一代的华义学生都能看到母校的发展状况,认识华义中学在新加坡和华社所扮演的角色,激励他们把母校的薪火传承下去,让华义精神生生不息。历史长廊里张挂的对联 “华实荟萃, 义脉传承”, 就很贴切地凸显出华义中学对我国社会所做出的贡献。

校庆晚宴的主题 “感恩有您” 很有意义。华义中学有强大的凝聚力,已故校长黄淑芬功不可没。为了纪念华义中学建校60周年,校友精心筹备了长达一年的庆祝活动。在庆祝活动背后,我们也看到校友,学生家长和同学们无私的付出。大家都是本着一份对华义的感恩之情,才出钱出力以确保校庆活动办得有声有色,让更多人进一步认识华义中学。校友的鼎立支持形成华义中学强有力的后盾,希望在校的同学们会珍惜历届校长、老师、学长、学姐们为你们付出的心力。你们毕业后,也要像学长、学姐们一样继续为华义效劳。

沈老师有两句名言:“没钱找钱,没人找人,没势造势!” 他也经常说:“华义人只有不想做的事,没有做不到的事。” 在他的指引下,华义校友会才茁壮发展成今天的规模。另外一位华义校友是新谣 “控制塔小组” 团长柳茂源。柳先生不久前病逝了,但在他病情恶化前,他还很积极地在华义60筹委会服务。在学生时代,柳茂源是深受同学们尊敬的学生领袖。他很有音乐才华,不只留下多首优秀的新谣作品,也为整个华语流行乐坛作出贡献。他深爱母校,在生前就要求他的寿衣是华义校友的T恤。T恤上面写着“华义人”。虽然沈老师和柳茂源都已经离开人世了,但他们所体现的华义精神将永远留在每个华义人的心里。所谓华义精神,就是 “发扬仁义与智群,求取种族和谐,促进社会繁荣和为国家为民族服务”。

华义中学是殖民地政府所开办的第一批华校之一。华义中学从新加坡自治时期就开始培育英才,即使在我国争取独立自主的动荡时期,也坚持不懈地教育年轻一代。随着新加坡的发展,华义中学树立了优良的校风,在传承传统价值观的同时,也着重灌输学生 “取之社会,用之社会” 的精神。最后,我希望华义中学继续朝这个方向发展,再接再厉,为我国培育栋梁之材。


Good evening to all the Hua Yians again!  I am delighted to be here to celebrate your 60th anniversary and to mark the finale of your year-long celebrations.

I would like to thank you for the warm welcome, and thank the guard of honour that you have specially organised to welcome me earlier. I have had guards of honour before, but never from so many from CCA groups put together. Well done.

Hua Yians have contributed to Singapore in many roles over the last 60 years. Your achievements have been well-presented in the revamped Heritage Gallery, the Hua Yi Yuan.  For example there are a number of Hua Yians in the performing arts, active in the promotion of Chinese culture and language, and there are also many who serve the community in the grassroots, in the economy and in public life.

From a Chinese Middle School, Hua Yi has built on the strong foundation of Chinese traditional values and adapted to the times.  And today, Hua Yi attracts students of many races, and together they learn to put the school values of benevolence, justice, wisdom and togetherness “仁、义、智、群” into practice. And even students who have left Hua Yi keep a strong connection with the school. Tonight, there are many alumni who have graduated and have come back for this special celebration.

One of them is Mr Osman S/O Abdullah, who is currently the only Master Teacher in Citizenship and Character Education (CCE) at the Academy of Singapore Teachers (AST). He is a Hua Yi alumnus. His expertise is in History and English. He graduated over 30 years ago and continues to participate in alumni activities. The Commander of the Guard of Honour tonight, John Sathguru; he is at my table this evening and I chatted with him. He is an alumnus, graduated three years ago and is now pursuing a diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Singapore Polytechnic. Not only has he returned to support current students of the graduating cohort as a relief teacher, but also leads and mentors NPCC cadets as a cadet inspector.

As Hua Yi marks your 60th anniversary and prepare for the next phase of growth. I hope you will continue to stay focused on your mission, to nurture “creative, independent life-long learners who are confident, gracious, humble and responsible citizens”. I hope all the supporters of Hua Yi, especially the alumni who have been driving this year-long celebration of Hua Yi 60, will continue to work together, support the school and each other, to give Hua Yi a strong foundation, a strong base to push ahead, towards its next 60 years.

May Hua Yi continue to succeed and excel, not just for the future of your students but also for Singapore.

Happy 60th anniversary, and thank you all very much indeed! Happy birthday!
