2025 Chinese New Year Message by PM Lawrence Wong

PM Lawrence Wong | 28 January 2025

2025 Chinese New Year Message by Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong.


Please scroll down for the Chinese translation of the English transcript.

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The Year of the Dragon ended on a high note. Our economy performed strongly. Inflation subsided. Unemployment remained low. Many Singaporeans enjoyed higher wage increases.


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The Chinese New Year 2025 light-up at Chinatown. (MDDI Photo by Ngau Kai Yan)


We usher the Year of the Snake with anticipation and hope for our future. In the Chinese zodiac, the Snake represents wisdom and adaptability. These are qualities we will need to navigate uncertainties and challenges, especially in our external environment.

Chinese New Year is a time of family reunion and bonding. It is a season for families to cherish the bonds that unite us, and to appreciate the strength and support our loved ones provide.

Families are the bedrock of our society. They nurture our values, provide emotional support, and inspire us to dream big. In today’s fast paced and competitive world, balancing work and family life has become harder. Yet families remain at the heart of what matters most to us. I am encouraged that many Singaporeans continue to prioritise marriage, parenthood and family.

The Government is committed to supporting families at every stage of life. For young couples, we are ramping up the supply of BTO flats, and making public housing more affordable. We are enhancing leave arrangements, including through a new Shared Parental Leave scheme. We are also investing significantly in schools, especially pre-schools, so that every child, regardless of background, gets a good start in life.


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Ensuring that every child, regardless of background, is given a strong foundation for a successful future. (MDDI Photo by Betty Chua)


For our seniors, we are providing more support so that they can enjoy their golden years with peace of mind, and age with dignity and purpose. Programmes like Healthier SG and Age Well SG will help our seniors to stay active and healthy, while remaining connected to their loved ones and community.

Caregivers are the unsung heroes in many families. Many Singaporeans juggle multiple caregiving responsibilities, looking after ageing parents, young children, or family members with special needs. We deeply appreciate their contributions. The Government will find ways to better support caregivers, recognising their vital role in strengthening family bonds.

As we celebrate Chinese New Year, let us also remember our fellow Singaporeans going through difficult times. The Government will do more to help vulnerable families, uplift them, and provide better opportunities for their children.

But building an inclusive society requires all of us to do our part. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings us closer together. Each one of us can make a difference – by donating to charitable causes, volunteering to help those in need, or leading social initiatives.


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Food from the Heart is one of the many ground-up initiatives that helps the communities in need through food distribution programmes. (Photo by Food from the Heart)


This festive season is also an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of our Singapore family. We may have different views on issues that mater deeply to us. But we cannot let our differences pull us apart. We should make an extra effort to engage and reach out to fellow Singaporeans of different races and religions. Our diversity is a source of strength, and we must continually seek ways to deepen our mutual understanding and expand our common space. In a world that is increasingly divided and polarised, our unity is a precious asset that we must continue to protect and nurture.

Unfortunately, the world is also becoming more dangerous. Terrorist groups have used the conflict in the Middle East to further their agenda and call for attacks. There has been a spate of terror incidents across various countries. Earlier this month, we announced the detention of three self-radicalised Singaporeans under the Internal Security Act. We will remain vigilant against any security threats. But we must also be mentally prepared for the possibility that an attack can occur here. If that were to happen, we must be able to stand together as one united people, resolute and undivided. Such challenges should not weaken the fabric of our society, but instead strengthen our resolve to protect our harmony and way of life.

This Chinese New Year is special as it coincides with SG60. 60 years marks a full cycle of life in Chinese culture. It is therefore timely to reflect on how far we have come, honour the contributions and sacrifices of our pioneers, and build on their legacy to chart our next steps forward.

As we step into our next life cycle, let us do so with courage, determination and resolve. Together as one Singapore family, we can keep our nation a beacon of safety, security and stability, amidst a troubled and volatile world.

I wish all Singaporeans a happy, healthy and prosperous Chinese New Year.


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祝大家新年快乐,蛇年吉祥! Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year! (MDDI Photo by Betty Chua)




2025 年总理新春献词





政府致力于为在不同阶段的国人提援助。以年轻夫妇来说,我们推出更多的预购组屋,并确保组屋价格在可以负担的水平。产假方面也变得更灵活, 包括推出新的父母共用产假计划。至于教育,我们也投入了大量资源,特别是在学前教育中心,以确保每个孩童,无论家庭背景如何,都能有好的起跑点。

我们也为年长者提供更多援助,让他们安享晚年,黄金岁月过得充实又有意义。通过健康 SG 和乐龄 SG 等计划,年长者可以保持健康活跃,与亲友和社会保持联系。

看护者是许多家庭的幕后英雄。无论是照顾年迈的父母、年幼的子女, 或是有特别需要的家庭成员,许多国人都肩负着多重的看护责任。政府非常重视看护者的贡献和付出,并将更好地为他们提供援助,肯定他们在增进家庭关系方面所扮演的重要角色。


然而,要建设一个具包容性的社会,需要大家一起努力。每一个善举, 无论大小,都能拉近人与人之间的距离。无论是为慈善事业捐款、义务帮助有需要的群体,或是带头发起有益社会的活动,我们都能以各自的方式发挥作用。


不幸的是,世界也变得更加危险。恐怖组织利用中东地区的冲突推进他们的议程,发动攻击。近期,多个国家发生了一连串的恐怖袭击事件。本月初, 三名自我激进化的本地男子,在内部安全法令下被拘留。我们必须继续提高警惕,防范任何安全威胁。我们不能掉以轻心,需要时刻做好心理准备,面对可能在本地发生的袭击。倘若新加坡真的发生袭击事件,国人必须团结一心,沉着应对眼前的挑战。我们不应该让这些挑战削弱社会凝聚力,而是应该更坚决地维护我们的社会和谐和生活方式。

今年适逢新加坡建国 60 周年。在华族文化里,一甲子为一个周期,是人生重要的里程碑,因此这个农历新年也别具意义。我们应趁此时回顾过往成就、纪念先辈的贡献与牺牲,并承前启后、继往开来。

