Chinese New Year Message 2022 by PM Lee Hsien Loong

SM Lee Hsien Loong | 30 January 2022

PM Lee Hsien Loong's Chinese New Year Message for 2022.


Please scroll down to read the Message in Chinese.

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Tomorrow night, we will gather with our loved ones to send off the Year of the Ox and usher in the Year of the Tiger. Some of us will celebrate with our families, while others will get together with friends and neighbours who have become family. This is the essence of Chinese New Year, which is about our families and loved ones. We share our joys and celebrate with them in good times, and look to them for support and comfort during difficult periods.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, families have been unable to get together as much as we would have liked, especially those with loved ones abroad. With Vaccinated Travel Lanes opened and international travel progressively resuming, hopefully more families can reunite and celebrate Chinese New Year together this year. Large gatherings will have to wait a little longer, as the Omicron variant has forced us to maintain strict measures. But I know many of us have done our best to adapt, and learnt to stay connected through the internet. Many families will be organising virtual meetups effortlessly at the touch of a button, and livening them up with online fun and games. Look out for the “uncles” and “aunties” who have become experts at snapping virtual wefies!

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PM Lee Hsien Loong and PM Ismail Sabri Yaakob at the launch of the Vaccinated Travel Lane (Land) scheme between Singapore and Malaysia on 29 November 2021. (MCI Photo by Fyrol)

Even as we gather and celebrate in the festive period, we must continue to exercise social responsibility and take precautions. After all, we care for our loved ones by keeping them safe. Please remember to adhere to safe management measures, and keep up basic hygiene practices such as washing hands and using common utensils when sharing food. If you feel under the weather please stay at home, isolate yourself and get ample rest, just in case you are infected. There will be ample time to catch up on New Year visiting after you recover.

Getting vaccinated is another important way to keep our families safe. We started vaccinating children aged 5 to 11 at the turn of the year and have seen a good response. If your child still has not gotten his jab, please take him to the nearest vaccination centre soon. Vaccinations are safe and effective. They reduce your chances of contracting COVID-19, and more importantly greatly lower the risk of serious complications, including for the Omicron variant. This is true for everyone – not just young children and teenagers, but also and especially the frail and the elderly. So please encourage all your family members, young or old, to get vaccinated, and get booster shots when eligible. It is both for their own protection, and to protect others.

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Meeting Teck Ghee residents and families. (MCI Photo by Ngau Kai Yan)

Chinese New Year is also a time to look out for all things auspicious. While COVID-19 initially caused a dip in the number of weddings, I am glad many couples have since gone ahead with their plans. After two years of COVID-19, marriages in Singapore have “caught up” and returned to pre-pandemic levels. Birth numbers have fallen slightly, but not as much as we had feared. COVID-19 or not, parents and grandparents still greatly look forward to welcoming new arrivals. The infants bring joy and warmth to the whole family, and carry our hopes and dreams for a brighter tomorrow.

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Celebrating the birth of made-in-Singapore giant panda cub - Le Le 叻叻. (Mandai Wildlife Group Photo)

The Government strongly supports Singaporeans who want to start and raise families. The Baby Support Grant, which provides parents some financial relief during the pandemic, is just one example. I hope that marriage and birth numbers will come roaring back in the Year of the Tiger.

In the new year, let us work together to resolutely overcome the pandemic with the strength of the Tiger, and seize new opportunities to build a better Singapore with the boldness of the beast.

I wish all Singaporeans good health, and a very happy Chinese New Year.

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Lantern display at Gardens by the Bay. (MCI Photo by Fyrol)


2022 年李显龙总理新春献词




要保护一家大小免受冠病感染,接种疫苗也很重要。自去年底开始,我们逐步为5岁至11岁的儿童接种疫苗,接种工作进展良好。如果您的孩子还没有接种疫苗,请尽快让孩子接种。疫苗是安全和有效的,能降低染病的风险,保护所有的人, 包括孩童以及年长者。更重要的是,即使不幸感染了包括奥密克戎在内的毒株,患重症的风险也会大大减少。因此,我吁请各位鼓励自己的家人,不论老少,都去接种疫苗,符合条件的人士也应该去接种追加剂。这样既能保护自己,也能保护身边的人。





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春到河畔 River Hongbao at Gardens by the Bay. (MCI Photo by Fyrol)