Chinese New Year Message 2023 by PM Lee Hsien Loong

SM Lee Hsien Loong | 21 January 2023

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's Chinese New Year Message 2023.


Please scroll down to read the Message in Chinese.

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Chinese New Year arrives early this year. We just welcomed 2023, and will be gathering with our loved ones tonight to usher in the Year of the Rabbit.

After nearly three years battling the pandemic, I am glad that we can fully resume our Chinese New Year celebrations. I am sure this year’s festivities will be especially meaningful for many. The lohei will be tossed extra high, cheers of “Huat ah” will be extra loud, and family gatherings extra joyous.

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Tossing of lohei. (MCI Photo by Ngau Kai Yan)


Meanwhile, let us not forget the hard work and sacrifices of those fighting at the frontline against COVID-19, and keeping Singapore going. We have thus far maintained our COVID-19 posture, while watching external pandemic trends warily. Thankfully, our own situation remains stable. But new variants may yet emerge somewhere that bring unexpected challenges. Let us stay vigilant even as we celebrate.

Health is the greatest wealth. We must continue to look out for one another and exercise social responsibility. Do ART self-tests when needed, especially before visiting elderly relatives. If you test positive or feel unwell, stay at home. Most importantly, keep your vaccinations up-to-date, including with the latest bivalent vaccines. This is still the best protection against COVID-19. I encourage everyone to play their part through these simple but effective actions.

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Handed out hongbaos and goodie bags to residents at the Teck Ghee Hongbao Presentation Ceremony this month. (MCI Photo by Betty Chua)


Our shared COVID-19 experience has made us appreciate our families and loved ones better. Families are at the core of our social compact, and strong families are central to a stable, resilient society. We had dedicated 2022 as the Year of Celebrating SG families, with a series of engaging and meaningful events and initiatives throughout the year. At the National Family Week, I was glad to see many warm and happy faces taking part in the fun-filled carnival activities. Organised by Families for Life, this will be held annually every June holidays, to encourage family bonding and support couples in their parenting journey.

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National Family Week 2022. (MCI Photo by Fyrol)


We also introduced plans for “A Singapore Made for Families 2025”, with programmes and initiatives to catalyse the whole of society to support families through all phases of life. We can all do our part to build a society where every family is valued and supported. Companies can institute flexible work arrangements and cultivate a more encouraging workplace culture. Community partners can pool resources to celebrate and uplift families. Individuals, too, should cherish family time and make it a greater priority.

Even though our TFR dipped last year, I am heartened that many young people still see marriage and parenthood as important life goals. The Government will continue to help parents manage the pressures of raising children and give each child a good start. It is stepping up measures to support parents. We lowered fees at government supported pre-schools from this January. Further changes will be announced in the coming months. So to all our couples, do your best in this Year of the Rabbit!

I wish all Singaporeans good health, and a very happy Chinese New Year.

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Year of the Rabbit decorations at Gardens by the Bay. (MCI Photo by Ngau Kai Yan)

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2023 年李显龙总理新春献词





这一段共同对抗冠病的经历,也让我们学会更加珍惜自己至亲至爱的人。家庭是我国社会契约的核心,而和谐的家庭关系,对构建一个稳定坚韧的社会非常关键。因此,我们把2022年定为 “欢庆新加坡家庭年” ,并在全年推出了一系列深具意义、老少咸宜的活动和项目。我在全国家庭周的嘉年华上,看到了很多家庭踊跃参与了各种有趣好玩的活动,纷纷沉浸在欢乐的气氛当中。凝聚家庭理事将在每年六月的学校假期举办这些活动,以促进家庭凝聚力,在国人养儿育女的道路上支持他们。




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Year of the Rabbit decorations at Chinatown. (PMO Photo)