Letter from PM Lee Hsien Loong to NTUC President Mary Liew on 2 June 2022

SM Lee Hsien Loong | 2 June 2022

Letter from PM Lee Hsien Loong to Ms Mary Liew, President of the National Trades Union Congress, dated 2 June 2022.


2 June 2022

Ms Mary Liew
President National Trades Union Congress

Dear Sister Mary,

Last year, I asked Senior Minister of State Chee Hong Tat to serve in the Labour Movement on a part-time basis, while concurrently retaining relevant Ministry appointments. Since then, Brother Hong Tat has ably supported the NTUC SecretaryGeneral to enhance collaboration between the Labour Movement and Government agencies, and strengthened the close and symbiotic relationship between the NTUC and the PAP government.

Now, I would like to ask you to allow Hong Tat to return to the Government. After discussion with Secretary-General Ng Chee Meng, I would like to nominate Minister of State Desmond Tan to serve in Hong Tat's place.

Brother Desmond brings with him many years of public service experience across the Ministries, People's Association and the Singapore Armed Forces. I am confident that he will contribute significantly to NTUC's efforts to help prepare our businesses and workers as we emerge from the pandemic.

In these uncertain times, NTUC's role in the tripartite partnership and nation building is more crucial than ever. Therefore, while I will appoint Brother Desmond concurrently Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office, I will relieve him of his appointments and duties in the other ministries. This way he can spend most of his time on NTUC work, and more fully support the NTIJC Secretary-General and the Labour Movement in our efforts to secure the livelihoods and future of our workers.

I hope the NTUC Central Committee will support this proposal. I look forward to your favourable reply.

Yours sincerely,


