PM Lee Hsien Loong's video message at the Global Vaccine Summit

SM Lee Hsien Loong | 5 June 2020

PM Lee Hsien Loong's video message at the Global Vaccine Summit on 4 June 2020.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Thank you for inviting me to this summit.

The COVID-19 pandemic demands a united and concerted response by all nations. One key area of cooperation is developing and producing a vaccine against COVID-19.

Singapore welcomes this global call for action. We are doing our part.

We have contributed about US$13 million towards international efforts to combat COVID-19, through the WHO, CEPI, and donations of essential medical equipment and supplies.

We are investing heavily in research and development on diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics. Our researchers have developed a range of serological and nucleic acid-based diagnostic tests, which have been deployed to over 20 countries. They are also developing therapeutic monoclonal antibodies as well as a vaccine, and have started clinical trials of various therapeutics.

In parallel, we are building up our vaccine manufacturing capacity. We intend to offer fill and finish contract manufacturing services to vaccine developers. This should help them ramp up production faster, and assure them high standards of safety and quality in the manufacturing process.

Discovering, producing and distributing a safe and effective vaccine is vital to get life back to normal despite COVID-19. I hope that this summit will help focus our minds and resources, and forge partnerships to promote “vaccine multilateralism”.

I wish you a successful summit.

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