Statement by PM Lee Hsien Loong on the Resignation of Mr S Iswaran

SM Lee Hsien Loong | 18 January 2024

Statement by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Mr S Iswaran's resignation on 18 January 2024 and exchange of letters.


The Public Prosecutor has filed criminal charges against Mr Iswaran in Court today.

On 16 January 2024, after the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau had given Mr Iswaran formal notice of the charges, he wrote to me to resign as a Cabinet Minister and as a member of the People’s Action Party (PAP). He also informed me that he was resigning as Member of Parliament for the West Coast Group Representation Constituency.

On 17 January 2024, Mr Iswaran further informed me that he would return all monies received by way of salary as Minister and allowances as MP from the commencement of the CPIB’s investigations in July 2023. Since Mr Iswaran has now resigned, he will henceforth no longer receive any salary or allowance from the Government.

I replied to Mr Iswaran on 17 January 2024 to accept his resignations and acknowledge his decision to return the monies. The exchange of letters is attached.

The Government has dealt with this case rigorously in accordance with the law, and will continue to do so. I am determined to uphold the integrity of the Party and the Government, and our reputation for honesty and incorruptibility. Singaporeans expect no less.


240116_Letter from S Iswaran pdf (pdf, 24.70KB)

240117_Second Letter from S Iswaran pdf (pdf, 290.49KB)

240117_Letter from PM Lee to S Iswaran pdf (pdf, 34.64KB)

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18 JANUARY 2024
