DPM Teo Chee Hean at Punggol Waterway Day 2016 Celebration on 20 March 2016

20 March 2016

DPM Teo Chee Hean at Punggol Waterway Day 2016 Celebration on 20 Mar 2016

My Parliamentary Colleagues

Minister Ng Chee Meng 

Ms Sun Xueling

Residents and Friends, 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Boys and Girls

Introduction: Water for All

A very good morning to everyone. Today, we come together to mark World Water Day, which is celebrated internationally on 22 March to highlight the importance of water sustainability. 

Our late founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew is well known to be the architect of the Singapore Water Story. It is thus appropriate that we remember Mr Lee and his water legacy during this year’s Singapore World Water Day.  

Mr Lee championed Singapore's journey towards water sustainability by making water a top priority in government policies. In 1972, the first Water Master Plan outlined the long-term plans to develop water resources in Singapore, to ensure a diversified and sustainable water supply for future generations. This was a truly visionary plan, as not all the science and technology, for example for recycling water or desalination, was available then. In 1977, Mr Lee also set the challenge of cleaning up the Singapore River in ten years. And in 1987 when that challenge was met, he set out the next challenge of building a barrage at the mouth of the marina.

Thanks to Mr Lee’s vision and foresight, and the hard work of many public officers and engineers, we have four National Taps today. First, water imported from Malaysia. Second, rainwater collected in our reservoirs. Third, water from desalination. Fourth, recycled water.  

The first two taps are not fully within our control – water from Malaysia and rainwater in our reservoirs. They are affected by the weather. Hence, a decade ago, we have diversified our water supply by investing in sources that do not depend on the weather, namely, NEWater and desalination. A fifth NEWater plant will start operations at the end of this year, while the construction of a third desalination plant at Tuas is expected to complete in 2017. 

Besides building a sustainable water supply, we must also manage demand by using water wisely. All of us can do our part to conserve and value water. 

These alternative water sources, and careful use of water will help prepare us for when the current Water Agreement runs out in 2061.  

Active, Beautiful Clean Waters 10th year anniversary

Mr Lee’s vision is steadily becoming a reality. Today, Marina Barrage has totally transformed our cityscape. Marina Bay, right in the heart of our city, is not only our largest reservoir, but also a beautiful and glittering jewel which all of us can enjoy.

Here in Pasir Ris Punggol GRC, we have Sungei Api Api and Sungei Tampines that flow through Pasir Ris Town. And today, in Punggol, we have the beautiful Punggol Waterway, and two reservoirs on Sungei Serangoon and Sungei Punggol.

Our water bodies not only provide us with life-giving water, but also beautiful spaces for community bonding and leisure activities to refresh our spirit. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters (ABC Waters) Programme. Over 30 ABC Waters projects have been completed island-wide. Punggol Waterway is a good example, and is very popular among our residents. Singaporeans can look forward to even more beautiful community spaces, with about 100 potential ABC Waters projects identified for implementation by 2030.

Standing together, Making it count

 I am also happy to see greater community ownership of our water resources. For example, today’s Punggol Waterway Day is organized by Pasir-Ris Punggol GRC, together with several community partners. 

The Singapore Canoe Federation helped to ensure that over a hundred residents can kayak in the waterway safely. Some 350 cyclists participated in the 20km Cycle for Water event organised by Firefly Connections. Over 500 brisk walkers participated in the 2km Walk for Water along Punggol Waterway, organised by PA Brisk Walkers Club. A big thank you to everyone for participating in this important cause. 

Our Water Story is just one example where Mr Lee and our Pioneers overcame what appeared to be insurmountable odds, used their ingenuity, and worked hard to build the Singapore we have today. They dreamed of a better future, worked together to make it come true. 

Let us also all do our part to make Singapore even better for our children, and theirs. This is the best way to remember and honour Mr Lee and all that he has done for Singapore. In the words of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, “Look at that horizon, follow that rainbow, go ride it.” Let us ride the rainbow together, towards a better Singapore, a better future for all Singaporeans. 

Thank you very much.