Chinese New Year Message 2009 by PM Lee Hsien Loong

PM Lee Hsien Loong | 25 January 2009

PM Lee Hsien Loong's Chinese New Year Message 2009.


The Year of the Rat ended on a difficult note for Singapore. The global financial problems have precipitated a worldwide recession. The last few months have brought a steady stream of worsening news in the US, Asia and Europe. With all our major markets in decline, our exports are falling sharply. We have had to revise our growth estimate for 2009 down to between -5% and -2%, the worst economic outlook since independence.

The Government has just presented its 2009 Budget, and delivered a “Resilience Package” to help Singaporeans in this difficult period. On top of tax measures and business grants, we have announced two special schemes to tackle the crisis – a “Jobs Credit” to help companies with their wage costs; and a “Special Risk-Sharing Initiative” to help them keep their access to much-needed financing. These measures will help businesses to stay afloat, so that they can continue to provide jobs for Singaporeans. We will also give additional support to households, with more for low and middle income families. Hopefully, with some Government help, Singaporeans can continue to provide for themselves and their families.

To tackle this unprecedented economic crisis, we are for the first time seeking the President’s approval to draw on our reserves. This is a major decision, which the Govern­ment has thought over very carefully. Our reserves are a key asset for Singapore. We have built them up patiently over the years, so that in a critical situation we have the wherewithal to mount a vigorous response. The present crisis is clearly such a moment. By using our reserves for the two special schemes, we are making clear that we intend to respond to the crisis decisively and with all means at our disposal.

We are able to do this unlike most other countries, because we have prudently saved and invested our surpluses over many decades. We must therefore maintain these critical instincts. When things return to normal, we must resume our habit of putting something aside in the reserves whenever we can. Then when we next face a serious crisis, which is bound to happen one day, we can again meet it with confidence.

These Budget measures will mitigate the downturn, but they will not instantly lift the economy from recession. No government package can do that. The recession is a global one, and we must expect to see exports contract, unemployment rise, and growth remain negative for more months, and perhaps for the whole year.

We must brace ourselves for a challenging Year of the Ox. But there is no need to be despondent. Singapore has strengths which will let us outlast this recession. We have the resources, the programmes, and the tenacity to ride the storm. In the Chinese zodiac, the ox symbolises fortitude and hard work. It is not a fast or aggressive animal, but is strong and completely dependable. In the same way, we can see through the year with quiet resolution.

For all that the Government is doing, we must remember the important roles that the community and family play in helping us weather the crisis together.

Community and welfare organisations are expanding their schemes to help more needy Singaporeans. Grassroots organisations are also coming up with new and innovative ways to help residents. In Yio Chu Kang, grassroots leaders regularly organise “Rice Parties” to provide needy residents with rice, rations and NTUC vouchers. Other constituencies provide free hawker meals, or run “Sunday Markets” where unemployed and low-income residents can set up stalls and earn some money for themselves.

The Government will support such community efforts. We are giving voluntary welfare organisations and self-help groups more funding to do more good work. We have also increased tax deductions for charitable donations, to two-and-a-half times the donated amounts. I encourage Singaporeans to continue giving generously to worthy causes in this downturn. With many helping hands, every Singaporean can survive the storm.

The family is our most important life-raft in times of crisis. When we face difficulties, families give us comfort, hope and practical help. In these hard times families must draw closer together, including our extended families.

Singaporeans instinctively understand this. A recent survey by OCBC found that this year the top three Singaporean dreams were starting a family, settling down and buying a home. In contrast, last year’s top three dreams were seeing the world, self-improvement and making money. Amidst uncertainty and turbulence, priorities have shifted from personal wants and ambitions to home, relationships and family.

Indeed, the family unit is the bedrock in all communities, whatever their race or religion. The world may have changed drastically, and Singaporeans may be better educated and more affluent. But the family will always be core to our human instincts and our social fabric. In this festive period, let us remember that Chinese New Year is a time for togetherness. It is the time for families to come together to rejoice in the company of their loved ones and to build lasting memories and bonds.

Even in hard times, we should not neglect the need to bring up a new generation. At the National Day Rally last year, I showed a chart of Singapore’s total fertility rate over the years. If you remember, every time there was a recession, birth rates went down. But I hope this time we can buck the trend and keep the birth rate steady. We have implemented many measures to encourage marriage and help you in supporting and bringing up your children. There is also a lag time in procreation, so with luck your babies will arrive in time to enjoy the upswing. What really matters is the prospects in Asia and in Singa­pore over the next decades, which I believe are still bright despite the current gloom.

Meanwhile, let us be grateful for what we have in Singa­pore – a stable society, a sound economy, and a reputation which draws talent, investment and jobs to our shores. We must continue building on these strengths, so that we will emerge stronger from this crisis, ready to thrive in what will be a very different and more challenging world.

I wish all Singaporeans a Happy Chinese New Year!




政府刚发表了2009年 的财政预算案,并推出了振兴配套,以帮助国人应付目前的困难。除了各项税务措施和商业补助之外,我们也宣布了两项特别计划,即雇用补贴计划和特别风险分担 计划。推出雇用补贴的用意,是为了帮助公司减低工资成本,而特别风险分担计划则是让公司获得迫切所需的融资。这些措施将帮助公司维持下去,进而保住国人的 饭碗。我们也将给予家庭额外的帮助。低收入和中等收入家庭将获得更多的援助。希望政府的这些援助,能帮助国人在接下来的日子里,维持自己和家人的生计。

为 了应付这次前所未见的经济危机,我们首次征求纳丹总统同意批准动用国家储备金。这是一项重大的决定。政府是经过深思熟虑之后才这么做的。储备金是新加坡的 重要资产,更是政府多年来一点一滴累积起来的财富,为的就是在发生紧急状况时,能推出强而有力的应对措施。眼前的危机显然是个紧急情况。我们动用储备金资 助两项特别计划,清楚说明我们打算使用所有可行方法,果断地应付危机。



我 们必须打起精神应付充满挑战的牛年。但是,我们不必感到沮丧。我国有实力应对这场经济衰退。我们有资源、应对配套和韧力,能渡过这场风暴。牛在十二生肖中 象征沉着刚毅、勤劳坚韧的特性。它不是迅猛或盛气凌人的动物,相反地,它具有刚强可靠的秉性。同样的,我们也能凭着沉稳的毅力走完这艰难的年头。


社 区和福利组织正在扩大援助网,以帮助更多有需要的国人。基层组织也以创新手法帮助居民。例如,杨厝港基层领袖定期举办“米满人生”的计划,分派白米、杂货 干粮及职总平价合作社购物券给贫困居民;其他选区提供免费食物或举办“星期天市集”,让失业及低收入居民摆摊做生意,赚取收入。





即 使市道不景,我们也不应忽略养育新一代的责任。在去年的国庆群众大会上,我曾展示一张显示我国总生育率趋势的图表。大家是否还记得,这张图表显示每当经济 衰退时,国人的生育率也会跟着下降。但我希望这次我们可以扭转这个趋势,让生育率保持平稳。我们已经推行了多项鼓励结婚与协助大家养儿育女的措施。所谓十 月怀胎,所以,幸运的话,你们的宝宝降临时,可能就是经济好转的时候。其实,最重要的是亚洲和新加坡接下来几十年会有什么样的前景。尽管目前经济不景,我 相信亚洲和新加坡的前景还是一片光明的。

