Speech by Mr Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister, at Taoist Federation’s 20th Anniversary Dinner & Grand Inter-Faith Dinner, 03 December 2010, 8:30pm at Expo Hall 2A

3 December 2010








1.         我很高兴今晚能够出席道教总会20周年庆典。各宗教团体的领导人和代表也这里共聚一堂,使今晚的活动更有意义。 


2.         道教在新加坡传播历史悠久,它跟随着最早期的华籍移民南来,逐渐在我国社会开枝散叶,信徒遍及社会各个阶层,庙宇遍布全岛各个角落。


3.         近两个世纪以来,道教的弘扬与新加坡的社会和文化紧密相连,扎下很深的根。但是道教的传播方式也随着时代的推进而演变。近年来,道教团体开始以英语和在网上宣扬教义,使年轻一代新加坡人能够了解这个古老的宗教。


4.         我国道教徒在宗教信仰的问题上,向来抱着温和和包容的态度,为我们这个多元宗教的社会定下非常重要的基调。在世界许多地方,宗教纠纷造成社会分裂,使国家动荡不安。因此,我们不能对宗教问题掉以轻心。我希望道教徒能够继续发挥影响力,使我们能长期维持宗教和谐的良好局面。


5.         近年来,道教总会在促进各宗教团体的交流方面作了很多贡献,今晚的各宗教联欢活动便是一个例子,道总的努力值得我们表扬。我特别要提一提陈添来会长的贡献。他为了确保今晚活动的成功,亲自走访了25个宗教团体,邀请它们的领袖和代表出席宴会,以便互相认识和促进交流。各宗教领袖之间如果能够建立个人的联系,将有助建立各宗教社群之间的互信关系。


6.         我希望其他宗教团体能向道总看齐,为宗教的和谐和社会的安定尽一份力。最后,让我祝贺道总成立20周年以及它在弘扬教义所取得的成绩。




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Mr Tan Thiam Lye, Chairman of Taoist Federation

Religious Leaders and Representatives

Distinguished guests

Ladies and gentlemen


7.         Meaningful gathering this evening

a.         Glad to see many eminent religious leaders and representatives from the major religious organisations

b.         This bodes well for inter-faith harmony in Singapore


8.         Many different races, religions and cultures share this island

a.         Our diversity enriches our society, makes us interesting and allows our people to access different cultures

b.         But it also means each of us must work hard to safeguard our harmony

c.         We should acknowledge and be sensitive to our differences

d.         But we should also feel comfortable with one another

i.          Eating at the same table

ii.          Working in the same office

iii.         Living in the same housing estates

iv.         Our young children schooling and playing together

e.        Regardless of our differences, we must remember and emphasise our common identity as Singaporeans


9.         Religious leaders have to lead by example

a.         Your communities look to you as role models

b.         How you counsel and lead your congregations has a strong bearing on religious relations in Singapore


10.        From time to time, incidents may occur

a.         At such times, we depend on our religious leaders to help cool any tensions

b.         Glad that our religious leaders have taken moderate stands and helped to calm the ground

c.         The good personal relationship between our religious leaders has helped greatly in such situations

d.         Hope tonight’s dinner will be an opportunity for various religious leaders to renew old ties and forge new friendships


11.        Finally to wish the Taoist Federation a happy 20th birthday!


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