Speech by Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong at the 22nd Anniversary Dinner of the Marine Parade Merchants Association, 20 February 2011

20 February 2011



2         我们的商家、店主和摊主都是马林百列重要的一分子。他们每天忙忙碌碌,辛勤工作,为居民提供亲切、真诚的服务,为社区注入了浓浓的甘榜气息。

3         令我感到欣慰的是,商联会不但照顾会员的利益,也为社区付出了不少力量。每逢农历新年、开斋节、圣诞节和中秋节,商联会都积极地举办或参与庆祝活动。此外,商联会也提供贫困的学生奖学金和助学金,你们出钱出力的无私精神值得表扬。我希望大家再接再厉,为社区作出贡献。


4         今年,我国预计可取得至少百分之4的经济增长,我估计,人们会更愿意消费,商家的生意也会更加兴旺。此外,我国两大综合度假胜地将会推出更多新亮点,吸引更多外国游客。

5         目前,令我们担心的一个问题,就是生活费不断上涨,这确实是个不容忽视的民生课题。然而,值得庆幸的是,政府这一次推出了慷慨的财政预算,以减轻国人的负担。


6         另一个重要的课题,就是我国人口老化。我要告诉大家,马林百列在进行一项为期五年的“原地养老”试验计划。为什么呢?因为马林百列是我国人口老化最快的社区之一,今天,每5个居民当中,就有1人超过65岁。我们接着会进行一项调查,调查对象是60岁或以上的居民。我们希望通过这项调查,能够深入地了解年长居民的需求,以便改进我们的社区计划和基础设施。我希望商联会对这项计划给予全力的支持。


7         不过,我要强调一点,为了更好地为会员和马林百列居民服务,商联会有必要引进一批有才干、有魄力和有创意的领导班子,以壮大商联会的团队。

8         现在,我祝大家新年快乐,万事如意。谢谢。

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                  I congratulate the Marine Parade Merchants Association on its celebration of its 22nd Anniversary.  The Association is an important grassroots organisation in Marine Parade.  It works with the Citizens’ Consultative Committee to look after the interests of its members and customers.  It has helped to make Marine Parade an attractive and lively place.

2                Our merchants, shop-owners and stall-holders are important members of the Marine Parade community.  They work very long hours to provide goods and services to meet our daily needs.  They also offer competitive prices.  Their friendliness and good service contribute to the kampong spirit in Marine Parade.

3                I am heartened that the Association is not just concerned about the business interests of its members.  It has organised or participated in events to celebrate festivals like Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Christmas and the Mid-Autumn festival.  In addition, it has donated to scholarships and bursaries for needy students.  I applaud such efforts and encourage you to continue to do so.

Business challenges

4                Our economy should grow by at least 4% this year.  I expect business to be good because people will spend more.  More tourists will also come this year, as our two Integrated Resorts roll out more attractions.  But you have to seize the opportunities and attract more customers to come here.

5                However, we have to pay attention to the rising cost of living.  Inflation in the first half of this year is forecast to be 4 to 5%.  This is largely because of the increase in COE prices and imputed rental of residential homes.  But most of us own our homes and are not immediately affected by COE prices unless we are buying a car.  Without these two items, our inflation rate will be lower at 2-3%. This is what we call the core inflation rate.  Still, I hope your members can find ways to remain competitive and help keep prices down.

6                The Government will try its best to ensure that Singaporeans continue to benefit from our economic growth. I am glad that the Government is helping us with a generous “Growth and Share” budget.  While the Minister for Finance is often regarded as the “God of Fortune” (财神爷) handing out “hong baos”, the more important part of this year’s budget are the measures to grow the economy, create jobs and wealth.  Without jobs, sustained growth and a budgetary surplus, there will be nothing to share with the people.  In sharing, those who have less, will get more.  This is indeed a budget with a heart.

Community challenges

7                I want to inform you of a 5-year study project on ageing-in-place in Marine Parade.  As you know, Marine Parade has many old people.

8                We will soon be conducting a sample survey of our residents aged 60 years and above.  This survey will help us better understand the needs of our elderly residents.  We can then improve on our existing programmes and infrastructure.  We can also implement new programmes to better meet the needs of our elderly residents.  What we learn and do in Marine Parade will be applied to other constituencies later.

9                I urge the Association to give its full support to this pilot project.

Going forward

10              To do its job well, the Marine Parade Merchants Association must continue to be led by able and energetic leaders.  The leaders must place the interests of their members and community above their own.  They must also bring in new leaders to strengthen the Association.  The Association needs leaders with good and practical ideas to serve its members and the larger Marine Parade community.

11              I wish you all good health and prosperity in the Year of the Rabbit.

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