PM Lee Hsien Loong at the opening of the Sengkang Sports and Recreation Centre and Sengkang West National Day Carnival

PM Lee Hsien Loong | 26 July 2009

Transcript of speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the opening of the Sengkang Sports and Recreation Centre and Sengkang West National Day Carnival on 26 July 2009.


Minister Vivian Balakrishnan
Grassroots leaders
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen

I am very happy to be here this morning for two things together: first, the National Day carnival, which is why I am dressed in red and white, and secondly the opening of the Sengkang Sports Complex, which is called a sports and recreation centre. We have been looking forward to it for a couple of years now. We have watched it coming up month by month, gradually getting completed over the last few months. I think the residents have been starting to use it, and now we will say it is officially open.

It is just a few weeks before National Day, when we will be celebrating not just our independence, but also reinforcing our common identity as Singaporeans. And community events like this one here help to bring out what National Day is about - the essence of being a Singaporean, living in Singapore. Because we are enjoying a Sunday out together, strengthening our bonds, doing something pleasurable and meaningful, but also reminding ourselves of our shared future – to build this country, make it better, and create opportunities and a better life for our children.

But we cannot just bond once a year, on National Day and around this period. We have to build good relationships with one another through our daily contacts, through our ordinary lives, in our friendships, in our working relationships. And therefore, it is important for us to have shared facilities and activities where we can interact with one another, regardless of race and religion, where we can mingle, where we can be comfortable with one another, and gain confidence in each other.

And sport is a good unifier which helps us to do this, because it creates an emotional connection which not many other activities can do as well. And when we do sports together, families and friends connect whether you are playing or watching. And when it comes to sporting events, strangers can be all cheering on the same side, wearing the same colours, cheering the same team. And when our national team wins, or sometimes loses, then we share in the joy and the glory, or sometimes the tears.

It is also a healthy activity, because it is good for the young as well as the old. Different sports of course, but I think all should stay active. For the young, you make lasting friendships, you keep fit, and you learn leadership skills. For the seniors, you make friends who support one another in exercising, and looking out for one another in case something happens as you grow old.

And so that is why the Government has invested in infrastructure for sports and recreation, but sports especially, all over the island. Parks and gardens where you can walk and jog, linked by park connectors, we have got rivers and reservoirs for water activities, we have just upgraded MacRitchie Reservoir. You saw the reports yesterday on television and this morning’s newspapers, and of course sports complexes in our housing estates, in our new towns.

So for Sengkang residents, this sports and recreation centre is a key infrastructure. It has got many facilities, you can do many things here. A gymnasium, swimming pools, multi-purpose hall, you can play many games, catering to all age groups and whatever your abilities. You do not have to be a champion, but if you are enjoying yourself, if you are exercising, if you are having fun, you can do it here. And even if you are disabled, you need a wheelchair and a place which is wheelchair-accessible, you can participate as well, because it is barrier-free.

We have co-located this sports complex next to the Anchorvale CC. There are no walls in between, you can walk from one to the other. I think Anchorvale CC is borrowing the sports complex’s facilities, and the sports complex is also benefitting from what Anchorvale is offering. We hope they can work together and come up with some imaginative joint activities Collaborate so that you can attract residents to come and use both facilities and make this area a vibrant centre of activity for Sengkang West. The last time I was here a few months ago, the residents were telling me that they would like to come, but the bus services were not so convenient. But the latest I have heard is that the bus services are getting more convenient; more buses are now running here and bringing the residents here. And I think over the next few years, as we get more blocks built around this complex, there will be more residents close by, the atmosphere will be better and we will have even better usage of this place.

So today, as we prepare for National Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to Singapore. Let us pledge to stay united against all the challenges which may come our way, let us continue to progress, to upgrade our city and our new towns and our whole living environment. And let us improve the lives of all our Singaporeans. Thank you very much.