PM Lee Hsien Loong at the Singapore Buddhist Federation SG50 Vesak Day Celebrations

PM Lee Hsien Loong | 15 May 2015

Speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Singapore Buddhist Federation SG50 Vesak Day Celebrations on 15 May 2015.







50年前,新加坡这个没有天然资源、只有人力资源的弹丸小岛被迫独立。建国的工程可说十分艰难。当时政府的首要任务是要把基础设施建好,为经济发展铺路,以改善国人的生活。而另一个挑战,就是要确保新加坡这个多元种族、宗教的社会保持稳定和谐 。幸好,新加坡佛教总和本地其他宗教总会,向来提倡和谐共处、互相了解,并通过不同渠道和活动,加强各宗教之间的联系和信任。 这也是新加坡得以构建和谐社会的一个重要因素和必先条件。







Venerable Seck Kwang Phing, President of the Singapore Buddhist Federation, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.

I am very happy to join you to celebrate Vesak Day, and also commemorate SG50. This year, we have much to be thankful for. Singapore celebrates its 50th birthday as a harmonious, multi-racial, multi-religious society. We have shown over the last half century that with mutual respect and understanding, different religions can come together to build trust and harmony. That people from different religions share common values that inspire us to look beyond ourselves and care for the others who are around us. I am very grateful that as the largest religious group, the Buddhist community has set the tone of tolerance and acceptance of other faiths, and does good works to help Singaporeans regardless of race, language or religion. For example, the Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic, with seven branches, provides free medical services to sick and needy persons. The Maha Bodhi School, Mee Toh School and Manjusri Secondary School provide good education to children. The Metta Welfare Association runs nine welfare centres island wide, providing disability care, special education, and community care for the elderly, students and children. Thank you all for your very good work!

The Singapore Buddhist Federation has also contributed much to our religious harmony. It is a member of the Inter-Religious Organisation and sits on the National Steering Committee on Racial and Religious Harmony. A few nights ago, I hosted the Inter-Religious Organisation 66th anniversary dinner at the Istana. I was very pleased to see many Buddhists attending, sharing food with so many other religious leaders of different faiths. I am very happy to learn that tonight many of the IRO members are here with us celebrating this happy occasion with the Buddhists in Singapore. Thank you IRO!

The Buddhists contribute too in many ways to our religious harmony. Venerable Seck Kwang Phing is a member of the Presidential Council for Religious Harmony. This year, the SBF have collaborated with MUIS Harmony Centre on the Building Bridges Programme that promotes inter-faith understanding.

Gautama Buddha, 2500 years ago, led an exemplary life and taught his disciples by words and deeds. His teachings have endured for now two and a half millennia. When we think of Buddhism, we think of what Buddha taught us about kindness, tolerance, compassion, selflessness and moral integrity.

As Singapore celebrates our 50th birthday, Singaporeans should too reflect on the values that brought us here and the values that will keep us going. Values like being an inclusive society, where the strong and the better-off step forward to help the weak and less-fortunate among us, so that all enjoy the fruits of progress. Like staying one united people, where different races and religions work together for the common good. And we must uphold these important values because if we stay together and stay harmonious, we will build a stronger and better Singapore for all of us.

Thank you very much, and I wish you a Happy Vesak Day.

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