National Day Rally 2006 (Mandarin)

SM Lee Hsien Loong | 20 August 2006

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong delivered his National Day Rally 2006 speech at the University Cultural Centre, National University of Singapore, on 20 August 2006. PM Lee spoke in Malay and Mandarin, followed by English.


国庆群众大会 2006



今年五月举行的大选决定了我国未来五年的发展方向。我的领导班子获得人民的委托,将尽我们的能力,为国家开拓新的发展的空间。目前的国际局势对我们有利,亚洲的大国 -- 中国和印度,经济正在腾飞,潜能不可限量。它们带动了整个亚洲的发展,使区域的其他经济体也突飞猛进。当然,有些东南亚国家面对着一些政治问题,但是区域的整体形势良好。我们应该把握机会,加强我们的竞争优势,为人民带来更好的生活。




治本的方法是提升国人的技能水平、提升孩子的教育水平,提高我们的生产力,为国人争取更好的工作,使他们能赚取更高的收入。与此同时,我们也必须提升我国的竞争力,吸引投资,制造更多的就业机会。 这是政府正在做的事。

但是,政府在面对民生课题时,也不可以忽视更长远的问题。 今晚,我将跟大家谈谈几个重要的长远问题。我的华语演讲要谈三个课题:第一是就业机会,这是大家都很担心的;第二是医药保健;第三是人口的问题。


先谈谈就业机会。我对新加坡的经济前景是很乐观的。我有信心我们能制造足够的就业机会,不只足够给新加坡人,甚至会超过新加坡工人的人数。 今年,自年初以来,我们已经制造了8万1000份工作。过去两年,我们更是制造了超过20万份工作,比出生的婴孩数目还要多几倍。这个数目不只证明我们的增长率高,更证明了我们的经济政策、方针和策略已经奏效。


我举一个大家都熟悉的例子,那就是滨海湾的综合度假胜地。最近的招标活动非常成功,拉斯维加斯金沙集团将在新加坡投资50亿元,估计将制造3万份工作 -- 综合度假胜地制造一万多份工作,并带动我国的旅游业和零售业,在其他酒店、餐馆和商场制造另外两万份工作。当中有高技术和低技能的工作,有适合年轻人的,也有适合年长工人的。这是个相当庞大的计划,而它只是其中一个计划而已。不过,要使计划成功,关键不只是50亿元,而是我们的服务态度和水平。我们必须让到新加坡的旅客有宾至如归、百游不倦的感觉。让他们想要再来。这方面我们还需要努力。

目前,我们在举行一个收集400万张笑容的运动。有些人说,应该是430万张笑容,因为400万张可能会漏了几张愁眉苦脸的。但是,我们的出发点是非常认真和严肃的。 如果部长或官员接见客人时笑容满面、彬彬有礼,他们不会感到奇怪,但是如果德士师傅、在机场的移民官员或旅店的招待员也彬彬有礼,并且办事有效率,那客人就知道这是个“非常”的国家,每个国民都懂得如何欢迎客人,这样才能得到他们的尊敬,使更多客人到新加坡来。


我以晶圆(Wafer Fabs)厂为例。经济发展局花了莫大的功夫,吸引了不少晶圆厂到新加坡设厂,它们却总是找不到新加坡工人,不得不请很多的外地工人。新加坡人不做这些工作,可能是因为这些理由:第一,时间长,需要12个小时轮班;第二,要在无尘埃的工作室里工作;第三,工人必须穿上无尘埃的服装,象太空人,觉得不自在,又不能和同事交谈,更不能抽烟。但是,这些工作薪水不错,而且还是冷气的工作环境,不必在户外忍受风吹雨打、日晒雨淋。所以,新加坡人应该去尝试这些工作。


我知道这很不容易,但是我们应该尝试,而职总也应该协助工人去适应这个新的环境。其实职总正在这样做,例如意法半导体公司(ST Micro)在本地设有低科技的生产线,也有高科技的晶圆厂。我们知道长远来说,低科技厂必定被淘汰或受重组,可能迁移到越南、中国或者其他国家,所以我们不要等到最后一刻,现在就要开始鼓励工人去适应晶圆厂的环境,以便他们在真正需要的时候,能够有更高的机会顺利转移到高科技工厂工作。








我跟卫生部的一位医生讨论这个问题。他告诉我:“你应该清楚向新加坡人解释这件事情。” 我说:“谈何容易,30分钟怎么说清楚,你了解(3M)吗?” 他回答说:“我了解,但我也是花了一年半才了解。” 我只有20分钟,就让我简单说一说。


我也向卫生部查询反对党的两个议员碰到的情况又如何。他们告诉我,反对党的情况也是如此。他们因为医疗保健的事情向卫生部写信求助的情况不是没有,但是少之又少。 由此可见,医药费对多数新加坡人来说,是不需要过于担忧的问题。



二、中等收入家庭可能会入住B1级或A级病房,收费会比较高。但是,我们今年已经调整了保健储蓄制度,提高了每日保健储蓄提款的顶限,协助这群人减轻他们的医药费负担。 基本上,中等收入者的保健储蓄是足够的,他们原则上是有足够的资源去应付自己的医药费。问题是,有些细节的制定还不够灵活,仍有待改善。卫生部正在研究这个的问题。


我们要帮助病人,但也希望病人和他们的家人可以帮助我们,让我们能把医药费减到最低点。 如果医生给你劝告,最好照做。如果你胆固醇过高,医生要你少吃油腻的食物,那你最好是少吃。不要吃那么多肥猪肉,吃清蒸鱼就好了;就算鸡饭很香,也要尽量少吃,吃鸡粥比较健康,而且比较省钱。如果你不听医生劝告,硬是要吃,病从口入,以后可能有并发症,医药费就会高涨,甚至会有生命危险。

所以,无论你已经生病还是身体健康,我们都希望你能照顾健康,小心饮食,多做运动。 基层组织最活跃的是乐龄组,它们的不少活动都是很健康的,例如太极拳、气功、排舞和快步走等等,有益身心,又能使生活更充实。政府非常鼓励这样的活动,但是人们不应该等到老年,趁年轻就该开始做。 中国前副总理李岚清编了一句顺口溜,很有意思,是这样说的:照顾好自己的健康,“自己不受罪,家庭不受累,减少医药费,有利全社会”。让我们互相勉励。






今天,我主要是想谈谈新移民的问题。我们为什么需要新移民?让我给你一个简单的数据解释。假设国人的平均寿命是八十岁,我们要保持四百万人口,平均每年就要有五万个婴儿 -- 四百万除以八十是五万。去年,我国只有三万六千个婴儿诞生,还差一万四千个。我即使出尽法宝,都没有办法再添一万四千个婴儿,绝对不可能,所以我们必须引进新移民。









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The General Elections in May have settled the direction for Singapore. Our new team has received a strong mandate from the people. We will do our best to bring Singapore forward. We enjoy a stable and favourable international environment. Asia is the fastest growing region in the world. There is tremendous potential in China and India. Several Southeast Asian countries face difficulties but the overall outlook in Asia is good. Let us seize the opportunities, sharpen Singapore's competitiveness, and improve the lives of all Singaporeans.

While the outlook is positive, we face strong competitive pressures. You may ask: Will there be a place for Singapore in the world? Will I have a place in Singapore? The answer is yes - we have a bright future ahead. This is not a prediction, but a common goal for us all to work together to achieve.

We are part of the Singapore family, and must support one another to achieve our goals. For its part, the Government will do its best to look after every Singaporean, and ensure that everyone can share in the nation's prosperity.

As we strive to move forward together, some Singaporeans may find it hard to keep up. Because of globalisation, our income distribution is stretching out. This is a problem faced by all countries.

The Government will do its best to tackle this problem. In every Budget, we have measures to help low-income families and the elderly. This year, we gave out the Progress Package for all Singaporeans. These measures provide some relief for the poor. But to solve the problem at its root, we need to educate and train all Singaporeans, so that they can earn a better living for themselves, and take care of their families. At the same time, we must raise Singapore's competitiveness and create good jobs that pay better.

While the Government has to tackle the bread-and-butter issues, we cannot focus narrowly on them, and ignore the longer-term issues. Tonight, I would like to discuss three major issues that concern our livelihood and Singapore's long-term development. First, creating jobs; second, providing good and affordable medical care, and third, growing our population.


First, let me talk about creating jobs. I am confident that the economy will continue to grow and create jobs. In the last two years, we created a record high of more than 200,000 jobs. This shows that our policies are working. The business community has confidence in Singapore. Hence, they are putting major investments here and creating many high-quality jobs.

One example is the Marina Bay IR project. The IR will create over 30,000 jobs, with 10,000 in the resort, and another 20,000 in other hotels, restaurants and shopping malls. There will be a wide range of jobs available, including jobs at the top-end and jobs for ordinary workers. These jobs are suitable for both young and old Singaporeans. However, for the project to be successful, we need to raise our service standards, and nurture a service culture, so that visitors feel at home in Singapore and will visit our city over and over again.

Besides the service industry, the manufacturing sector also has many vacancies waiting to be filled. These jobs require shift work and the hours are long, hence they are unattractive to Singaporeworkers. However, the working environment is not bad and the pay is good. I hope that people will give it a try.

For example, we have major investments in semi-conductors, but cannot find enough Singaporeans to work in wafer-fabs. This is because the plants operate on 12-hour shifts and workers must put on clean room suits (making them look like astronauts), and work in clean rooms. Some people do not like it because they cannot talk to one another and find it taxing. But workers are in an air-conditioned environment and enjoy good pay. It should not be difficult to get used to these conditions.

We are restructuring our electronics industry. Low-tech activities are phasing out while high-tech industries are thriving. At the same time, we are equipping workers for high-tech areas like wafer-fabs. In this way, they can keep their jobs and earn a better pay.

NTUC is working closely with employers and employees to re-train workers and help them meet the new job requirements. For example, it is helping some 300 factory workers in ST Microelectronics to learn new skills and work in a wafer plant. We must do more of such re-training and upgrading to help workers stay employed in a changing environment.


Next, I would like to touch on medical costs. Our population is ageing. We all see friends and relatives getting ill, and start worrying about ourselves.

In fact, people all over the world share these concerns. Our healthcare system is not perfect. But compared to other countries, it is quite good.

The Government is doing its best to keep healthcare affordable for every Singaporean. Our approach is to combine government subsidies with the 3Ms (Medisave, MediShield and Medifund).

Overall, this 3M framework is sound. I know it may not be so easy to understand. In fact, one senior MOH doctor told me that he took a year and a half to figure it out. But the system is working. Nowadays, PAP MPs see fewer MPS cases needing help with medical bills. This is true also of opposition MPs.

We are paying special attention to the lower income groups. Hence in the public hospitals, the Class C and B2 wards are heavily subsidised. With Medisave, you should not have problems with these hospital bills. For those who still find it difficult to cope, Medifund provides a safety net.

We will also take care of the needs of the middle- and upper-income. They prefer to stay in higher-class wards, where the hospital bills will naturally cost more. The increase in Medisave limits this year has helped them. This group generally has healthy balances in their Medisave accounts to cover their bills, but find the current rules on Medisave and MediShield too restrictive. So we should be able to improve our Medisave and MediShield schemes to meet the needs of these patients. Khaw Boon Wan is studying this.

We are also helping patients with chronic illnesses to pay their medical bills. Those with chronic illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension will be able to use Medisave for their outpatient treatment. This is not just to help lighten your financial burden. It is also to encourage patients to get early treatment for their illnesses and avoid complications later. In seeking treatment, patients and their families should cooperate with the doctors. If the doctor says your cholesterol count is too high, please listen to him and eat less fatty food. Eat less fatty pork and have plain fish, or eat less chicken rice and have chicken porridge instead. It is not only healthier but will also help to save money. Better to do this now, than to end up with a heart bypass and pay a higher price later.

The Government hopes that everyone will take care of his own health. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat wisely, and exercise regularly. The Government cannot do this for you. The senior citizens' groups are often the most active among the grassroots organisations.Taiji quan, brisk walking and line dance are very popular activities. Stay healthy, and you will not only save on medical costs, but also lead a happier life. As the former Vice-Premier of China, Mr Li Lanqing said, "自己不受罪,家庭不受累,减少医药费,有利全社会。" (Spare yourself the suffering and avoid becoming a burden to your family. Reduce your medical bills and the whole society will benefit).


Finally, let me talk about a major problem we face — population shortage. To keep our society lively and vibrant, we not only need our people to be healthy, but must also maintain our population.

More and more Singaporeans are going abroad to study, work or live. This is one aspect of globalisation. We must accept this reality. We should keep in close contact with our overseas Singaporeans, and embrace them as part of our Singapore family. They can provide us with information and help us explore business opportunities and engage in cultural exchanges. At the same time, we hope that the Singaporeans who have been abroad for many years will return to Singapore eventually.

To sustain our growth and prosperity, we need to have enough people living and working in Singapore. This means that we must encourage families to have more children, and also attract more new immigrants here.

Two years ago, we introduced major policy changes to encourage couples to have more babies. So far the results have been very modest. I understand why some Singaporeans do not want to have more children. But I have not given up hope and will continue to think of ways to encourage couples to have more babies.

Let me explain why we need new immigrants. To maintain a population of 4 million, Singapore needs at least 50,000 babies a year. Last year, we had 36,000 babies. This means that we are short by 14,000 babies. No matter how hard we try, it would be hard to produce another 14,000 babies. Hence we need to attract more immigrants.

I know some Singaporeans worry that the new immigrants will compete with them for jobs. However, we should not see the new immigrants as a threat. If Singapore's population were to shrink like that of Japan's, then we would face a major crisis. On the other hand, if we have a growing population with talents in every field, the economy will become more vibrant and will create more jobs for all.

Look at Hong Kong. It has a population of 7 million, almost twice as many as Singapore. This makes Hong Kong a more vibrant city. Its retail and service sectors are thriving and creating many jobs for its people.

Even if we keep out immigrants, it does not mean that our jobs are safe. In my recent trip to New Zealand, I met a businessman who used to run a high-tech factory in Singapore, but subsequently moved it back to New Zealand. He did this because New Zealand had attracted several high-quality immigrants from China, who were willing to work hard in his plant, and even do shifts.

The most important factor in attracting immigrants is not the Government's policies but the attitude of Singaporeans. We must welcome immigrants warmly with a big heart, encourage them to set up families and establish careers here, and help them to integrate into our society. The new immigrants on their part must also make an effort to fit in and sink their roots in Singapore.


In my English speech, I will elaborate on some of the longer term challenges we face. The Government will consult widely to work out solutions for these problems, and secure Singapore's continued growth and development. As Singapore progresses year after year, we want all Singaporeans to move forward together and enjoy the fruits of our shared success.