National Day Rally 2017 (Mandarin)

PM Lee Hsien Loong | 20 August 2017 | ITE College Central, Singapore

PM Lee Hsien Loong delivered his National Day Rally 2017 speech on 20 August 2017 at the Institute of Technical Education College Central. He spoke in Malay and Mandarin, followed by English.


For the video with English dub and sign language interpretation, please scroll down.

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国庆群众大会 2017



我国的经济保持实力,今年的经济增长有了起色,预计将达到百分之二点五,比去年好。更令人鼓舞的是,经济转型也取得进展,生产力有所提升。生产力的提升,将能给国人带来更好的工作,更高的收入。不过,经济转型的工作还没完成,我们还要付出更多努力。在转型的过程中,一些新加坡人失去工作,包括专业人士;我们正在协助他们接受再训练,寻找新工作,重新出发。林瑞生部长就经常在各种活动上,分享政府有什么援助措施来帮助国人提升技能。这就是他出席的其中一场对话会 – Kopi Talk。政府也为商家提供各种援助,帮助他们提升业务,开拓新市场。其中一家受惠的本地企业是 “老伴豆花”。在企发局 (IE Singapore)的协助下,他们在越南开了“小伴豆花”。我问他们为什么在越南叫做“小伴”,他们说商标给人家拿了,其实是同一个 “老伴”。越南的“小伴”和新加坡的“老伴”,一样可口,一样受欢迎。我相信,只要政府,人民和企业通力合作,我们的经济就能够继续稳健地发展,开创新的局面,创造良好的就业机会。

加快经济转型是当务之急,这会直接影响我们的生活和饭碗。不过,要维持国家繁荣,社会稳定,我们同时必须推行一些战略性,宏观的政策,为将来做好准备。所以,今晚,我要着重谈三个攸关我国长远未来的课题:第一,如何提升学前教育 —— 因为我们要让每一个孩子都能打下扎实 的基础,为他们争取更好的人生起跑点;第二,如何一起对抗糖尿病 —— 因为糖尿病患者不断增加,这会对个人和社会带来沉重的负担;第三,如何实现智慧国的愿景 —— 因为我们要善加利用科技,为各阶层人民带来更好的生活和更多的机遇。


让我先谈一谈如何改善学前教育。我们会从三方面着手:第一,增加更多的托儿所和幼儿园名额;第二,提升学前教育的素质,并让孩子们从小打好双语的基础; 第三,加强师资的培训,以吸引更多人加入这个专业。 

我们最重要的目标,是为不同家庭背景的孩子提供良好的学前教育;我们尤其关注经济条件较差的孩子,确保他们不会输在人生的起跑点,使他们能够充分发挥所长。0到 6岁的孩子,学习和成长的速度都很快。这些幼童的大脑就像海绵一样,有很强的吸收能力。我们必须把握这个关键的发育阶段,让孩子们多接触语言、美术、音乐等。同时,让他们和同龄的孩子交朋友,学习分享,学习控制情绪。

研究显示,学习语言的最佳年龄就是0到3岁。这些幼童对语言学习特别敏感,接受能力很强。成年人也可以学习语言,但不容易上手,不容易说得流利。比如,华语有“阴阳上去”四声,你如果年长之后才开始学,可能四声不分,听不出其中的差别,更无法准确发音。发音不准,可能会闹出笑话。例如,学生要跟老师请教时,本来要说“我要问一问老师”,可能会说成“我要闻一闻老师”,甚至 “我要吻一吻老师”,那就肯定不及格了。所以,学习准确的发音必须从小开始 。


总理 李显龙

我母亲的经验,就能够说明这点。我母亲是在二战时期,20岁左右才开始学华语。她能读、能听、能说,不过很少用华语沟通。有时人家以为她不会讲华语,就用华语畅谈,她就静静的听。我是到了多年后才发现,她不讲华语的原因:有一天,她的朋友告诉她,她讲的是英式华语,有英式口音。或许妈妈觉得有点不好意思,过后就不讲华语了。然而,我的父母亲很重视孩子的母语学习。我3岁时,父母就把我送到南洋幼稚园读书。他们希望我能在一个使用华文华语的学习环境里成长,打好华文的基础。在老师用心的教导下,我轻松、愉快地学习华文华语。可惜的是,在我的学生时代,没机会学标准发音,因为那时候汉语拼音还没有面世,所以我的华语带着南洋腔调。我十多年前 – 成年之后 – 才开始注意标准的发音。虽然我是华校生,还是觉得不容易,一直到现在,偶尔还是会走音。把shi和si声读错了,例如“电视”读成“电四”还有“艺术”读成“艺速”, 等。或把“出发”读成“醋发、“结果”变成“借果”,等。可见长大后学习语言真不容易,所以要早开始,最好幼儿时候就开始。从我自己和父母的经验来看,我们应该尽早学习语文。因此,我们决定通过学前教育,进一步巩固我们的双语政策。








总理 李显龙

患上糖尿病的人逐年增加。你身边的亲戚朋友当中,不难发现糖尿病患者。60岁以上的国人,每10个人当中就有3个人患有糖尿病!此外,糖尿病一旦失控,就会出现严重的并发症。例如:失明、心脏病、肾衰竭。有些患者还必须截肢,以保住性命。新加坡每年平均就有1,200 名糖尿病患者必须截肢,每天三四个人,情况可能是全世界最严重的。钟丽慧议员就和我分享了这样一个故事:她进行家访时,见到一位男居民,他是糖尿病患者,只有40来岁,女儿正在上小学。这位男居民告诉丽慧,他下个星期就必须截肢,会失去一只脚。他的女儿和家人,还有丽慧,都很担心。因为接下来,他的生活起居需要家人照料,生活素质大受影响,同时也会打击他的工作能力和家庭的收入。



如果你认为这个优惠还不够,那你可以参加基层组织安排的健康检查,看一看自己有没有“三高”—— 什么是“三高”?高血糖、高血压、高胆固醇。第二,我们应该趁年轻时候就开始养成良好的生活习惯,保持饮食均衡。所谓:养生之道,莫先于食。中医学里就有这样的概念,以食物当药材,调理身体。另外,我们还要控制体重、经常做运动。把自己的身体照顾好,才能健健康康地过充实的人生!



让我举一个例子,来解释资讯科技如何让独居的年长者的生活更安全。现在,我们常常见到独居的年老夫妇和单身老人。如何照顾这些独居老人是个很困难的问题。万一他们在家里跌倒,或是身体不适,起不了床,我们要怎么知道,怎么及时抢救?要解决这个生活中的实际问题,科技可以派上用场了。我们可以在年长者的住家安装智能感应器。像这张图表所显示的,你可以在门口和每个房间都安装一个。 它主要功能是探测家里的动静。感应器会学习分辨年长者的日常生活规律。比方说,他通常几点起床,准备早餐,过后几点出门,用了午餐之后几点回家睡午觉等等。感应器探测不到这些日常生活的动静, 便会及时通知家人。这样一来,家人可以及时反应,可以放心了。老人家也不必怕隐私会被侵犯,因为这些感应器不是监视器,也不是闭路电视。建屋局目前在一些年长者的住家试验这种感应系统。参与试验的,就包括一位廖女士。有一天,廖女士的儿子收到了系统发出的通知,知道母亲家里出现不寻常的状况,系统探测不到某种动静。儿子于是尝试打电话给妈妈,却联络不上。他连忙赶去妈妈的家,才发现妈妈卧病在床。他马上陪妈妈去看医生,幸好最终平安无事。

可见,现代科技可以解决生活的问题,人人都可获益;科技还可以帮助你谋生,赚一口饭吃,即使你不是专家,即使你已经一把年纪了。让我举个例子;在市区工作的人,可能有注意到一位充满活力的大姐,经常穿街走巷,忙着为上班的人递送食物。这位送外卖的大姐是张玉兰女士。她今年70岁,比我大一点,会使用一些资讯科技,使工作更顺利。顾客很欣赏她,都叫她Wonder Woman,神奇女侠。她最近上了电视节目,让我们看一看这位神奇女侠的风采。


总理 李显龙








总理 李显龙





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English translation of National Day Rally 2017 Mandarin speech

My fellow Singaporeans, good evening!

This year, we celebrate our 52nd National Day. As in our early nation-building years, we have many urgent issues to deal with: e.g. terrorism, international relations, and our economy. The Government is managing these issues carefully and calmly, and we hope the people will support us and work with us.

I know you are concerned about our economy and jobs. Our economy remains strong. We expect it to grow by around 2.5% this year, higher than last year. It is even more encouraging to see our economic transformation making progress and our productivity improving. Higher productivity is key to better jobs and better pay. But our economic transformation is not complete, and more needs to be done. Some Singaporeans, including PMETs, have lost their jobs. We are helping them retrain, look for new jobs and start again. Minister Lim Swee Say has been doing endless dialogues, encouraging people to use various Government schemes to help themselves. This is one of his Kopi Talks.

Government has also provided businesses with a variety of support schemes to help them upgrade and enter new markets. One of the beneficiaries is “Lao Ban Soya Bean Curd” With the help of IE Singapore, Lao Ban started Xiao Ban in Vietnam. Lao Ban and Xiao Ban are both equally delicious and popular. I believe that so long as the Government, people and industries work together, our economy will continue to grow steadily, we will open new frontiers and we will create good job opportunities for all.

Our economic performance is an immediate priority because it directly affects our livelihood. However, to maintain our prosperity and stability over the long run, we also need to look at a number of long-term issues.

So tonight, I would like to speak on three topics to prepare ourselves for the future:

a. Preschool – because we want to give every child a strong start in life.

b. Diabetes – because it is a growing problem, and will be a burden to the individual and society.

c. Smart Nation – because we want to use IT to create opportunities and improve the lives of all.


First, let me tell you how we will improve preschool education. We will focus on three aspects: First, increase preschool places. Second, improve the quality of preschool education and give children a good bilingual foundation. Third, improve the quality of preschool teachers and make the profession attractive.

Our primary objective is to provide children of all family backgrounds, especially those from less well-to-do families, with a good preschool education so that they start well and are able to fulfil their potential. Between birth and 6 years of age, children learn and develop rapidly. Their brains are like sponges, absorbing quickly what they see, hear and feel. We need to catch that window of development, and expose young children to language, art, music. At the same time, let them interact with their peers, learn to care for each other and manage their emotions.

Studies have shown that the best window for a child to learn a language is before 3 years of age. Young children are particularly sensitive to sounds and words, and pick them up quickly. Adults too can learn languages, but it is not easy for them. For example, if you learnt Mandarin as an adult, you may not be able to discern its four tones, and will likely mispronounce. And if you mispronounce Chinese words, you may end up making a faux pas. For example, a student who says he wants to “ask” the teacher a question but mispronounces the character, might end up saying he wants to “smell” the teacher instead, or even worse, “kiss” her. To have clear pronunciation, you need to start young.

My mother’s experience illustrates this. She only learnt Chinese during the Second World War, when she was already in her 20s. She could understand and speak quite well, yet she seldom spoke in Mandarin. It was only many years later that I found out why she did not speak Mandarin often. It was because a friend had once told her that she spoke Mandarin with an English accent. Perhaps my mother was a bit embarrassed, so she seldom spoke Mandarin. My parents were serious about mother tongue education. When I was 3 years old, I was sent to Nanyang Kindergarten. They hoped that by immersing me in a Mandarin-speaking environment from young, I would gain a strong foundation in Chinese. Under the guidance of teachers, I had a happy experience learning Chinese. But there was no Hanyu Pinyin then, so my Mandarin has a Nanyang accent. I only started to use Hanyu Pinyin about 10 years ago.

And although I had attended Chinese schools, getting the right pronunciation is still not easy for me. I still mispronounce sometimes. Learning a language as an adult is not easy!

Both my own and my parents’ experience show that we need to start young to learn a language well. Therefore, we have decided to strengthen bilingual education from preschool. Nowadays, many parents speak English at home and seldom use mother tongues. Schools, especially preschools, have come to play a greater role in teaching mother tongues.

Given the many benefits of preschool education, Government will invest in preschools and comprehensively upgrade the sector. Five years ago, annual government spending on preschool education was half of what we spend today. Five years from now, the annual government spending on preschool education will double again. This shows the importance and commitment the Government places on preschool education.

With this financial support, we hope to make government-funded preschools as good as government-funded primary and secondary schools. This way, children from all socio-economic backgrounds will have an equal chance to compete and excel, and eventually contribute to society, and we will make sure that preschools remain affordable. With our children receiving such good care from birth, I hope our young parents will be encouraged to have more babies!


Second, I would like to talk about diabetes which is becoming a prevalent problem.

After listening to my National Day Message, many wondered why the PM should talk about diabetes at the National Day Rally? My answer: It is precisely because you are not worried, that I am worried. It is precisely because many people do not take diabetes seriously, that it has become a serious problem.

The number of people who have diabetes is on the rise. We all know of family members or friends who have diabetes. In fact, 3 in 10 Singaporeans over the age of 60 have it. Once you get diabetes, the consequences can be severe if the disease is not controlled.

Diabetes can lead to blindness, heart failure, kidney failure. Some may need amputation to save their lives. Indeed, an average of about 1,200 diabetics undergo amputation every year in Singapore. We could well be the world champions.

MP Cheng Li Hui shared a story with me. During one of her house visits, she met a male resident who is diabetic. He is about 40 years old, with a daughter in primary school. The resident told Li Hui that he was going to have a foot amputated the following week. His daughter and family members, as well as Li Hui, were worried. He would need to be looked after by his family and the quality of their life would drop significantly. His ability to work, and consequently the family’s income, would be affected. We must watch out for diabetes and not ignore it.

Diabetes has become prevalent and serious for a number of reasons. First, many assume that only the elderly will develop diabetes. The early symptoms of diabetes are not evident, so some do not know they have diabetes. And some who are unwell, avoid the doctor because they are afraid of receiving bad news. But we should treat the disease early. So please don’t be afraid of seeing the doctor. You should see the doctor quickly, follow the doctor’s advice, adjust your lifestyle and eating habits, and take your medication regularly.

I have two suggestions: First, please go for regular health check-ups. MOH has asked me to tell you about their special offer. Starting from next month, you can have a health check-up for only $5, if you are above 40 years old. The full cost of the test is over $100, so this is a big discount. If you want a better offer, then come down for check-ups organised by the grassroots. They will check if you have any of the “three highs” – high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol. Second, we should develop a healthy lifestyle from young. Maintain a balanced diet. As the Chinese saying goes, the way to a good life starts with what we eat. In Chinese medicine, food can also be used as medicine for treatment. We should also watch our weight and exercise regularly

By taking care of ourselves, we can lead healthy and fulfilling lives!

Smart Nation

My third topic is Smart Nation. What is Smart Nation? When we talk about Smart Nation, we think about computers, the internet, advanced technology and gadgets the young play with In actual fact, Smart Nation is about using IT to benefit everyone, regardless of age. In particular, IT can improve the daily lives of the elderly.

Let me give an example of how IT can improve the safety of seniors who live alone. Nowadays, there are many elderly couples or singles who live alone. Their families worry if something should happen to them. For example, they may have a fall, or feel unwell and cannot get up from bed. Nobody would know and provide help in time. This is where IT can help. We can install smart sensors in their homes. As you can see in this illustration, sensors can be placed at doors in every room. The sensors can detect the motion of the seniors at home, and “learn” the daily pattern of the seniors’ movements. For example, when they get out of bed to prepare breakfast, when they leave the house, and when they return from lunch to take a nap, etc.

If the sensors fail to detect any motion for these expected activities, family members can be alerted, and this will give family members peace of mind. The seniors also do not have to worry that their privacy being invaded, for these sensors are not surveillance CCTVs. HDB is trialling such sensors. One beneficiary of the pilot is Mdm Leow. One day, Mdm Leow’s son received an alert for the sensors had not detected any motion in the house, suggesting something may be amiss. The son tried to call Mdm Leow, but could not reach her. So he rushed home, and found his mother sick in bed. He managed to rush her to the doctor in time.

In these ways, IT can improve our daily lives and benefit everyone. IT can also create job opportunities for you — even if you are not an IT expert, even if you are a senior. Let me give you an example. Those who work in the CBD may have noticed a sprightly lady, cruising around making food deliveries. She is Mdm Teo Yoke Lan. She is 70 years old, a bit older than me, and full of energy. She learned to use IT to make her work easier. Her customers admire her. They call her “Wonder Woman”. She was on TV recently. Let’s take a look.

We should learn from her optimism and enthusiasm, her “can do” spirit of life-long learning. Mdm Teo seized the opportunities that IT presents, and is able to make a living and keep fit at the same time. If she can do it, people younger than her can do it too.

Even if you are not Wonder Woman, you too can master IT. For example, you can start by learning how to read newspapers on the iPad. If you are long-sighted like me, you can zoom in on the iPad for better reading. And your fingers would not be covered in ink. You can hold the newspapers (bào zhǐ) in one hand, and eat a bun (bāo zi) in the other. Use both hands at the same time [Pun on mandarin pronunciation]. IT can improve our lives in many other aspects. It is never too late to learn, and use IT to make our lives more convenient, safe and fun.

In Singapore, we have the right conditions to become a Smart Nation. Our internet coverage is wide, and connection speed is fast. Our education’s focus on mathematics, engineering and technical studies has helped to nurture many techies. A number of them are overseas.

Last year, I visited San Francisco and met Singaporeans in the IT industry there. Many of them are young, and quite a few had studied in the US. After they graduated, they started their own businesses or worked in big IT firms in the US. I shared with them our plans to make Singapore a Smart Nation, and asked them to return to Singapore to help us make it happen. One of them is Ms Gillian Tee.

She had been overseas for 15 years, and established a successful start-up in San Francisco. But recently, she returned home because her mom was getting older and needed Gillian to spend time with her, and look after her.Gillian noticed that there were many seniors like her mother in Singapore, who needed to be taken care of. So Gillian co-founded a company – Homage.

The company made use of IT to match a pool of care-givers with seniors who needed help. Just as taxi or car apps match drivers with passengers, Homage’s website and app match care-givers who are available with seniors who need their services. The caregivers may be students or trained nurses. Homage is doing well because it has managed to use IT to match demand with supply. I hope that more companies and government agencies will learn from Homage in using IT to improve lives.


After 52 years, Singapore has developed. Together, we have built a beautiful home. Parents work hard to give their children the best opportunities. The children do their best to seize these opportunities. Many succeed, at home or abroad. The greatest joy of parents is to see their children have successful careers, and yet be by their side. They are touched when their children who have ventured overseas for many years return home for they still cherish and call Singapore home.

I see this strong Singapore spirit in our youth. They are knowledgeable, ambitious and courageous. They can hold their own anywhere, and love their families and their country. I believe they can lead us forward, and build a better Singapore.

Thank you!