Eulogy by Mr Lee Hsien Yang at Cremation Service of the Late Mr Lee Kuan Yew

Prime Minister's Office | 29 March 2015

Eulogy by Mr Lee Hsien Yang at cremation service of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew on 29 March 2015.


Honoured guests, friends and family

Papa was born in 1923 when Singapore was part of the British Empire, the Straits Settlements flag fluttered over Government House, and the people of Singapore sang ‘God Save the King’.  He was given the name “Harry” at birth but he soon grew to feel that that did not fit him and the fact that he was a son of Singapore. When Papa was 10, his youngest brother Suan Yew was born. Papa who was only 10,  persuaded his father and mother that it was not a good thing to give Suan Yew a western name.  And so at 10 years old, he had prevailed in the household. Decades later, when Papa entered politics, he found the name Harry, to be a political liability. And many think it was for politics that he found it but in truth for two decades before that he had felt this was not right for him.

When Loong, Ling and I were born, Papa gave us only Chinese names, and in those days, there was no Hanyu Pinyin so he used the Wade Giles which was the prevailing system to spell the names. And as papa did not have a good commandment of Chinese and came from a Peranakan household, he sought the help from the court interpreter Mr Wong Chong Min in the choice of names. Two years ago, Loong while walking around in Queenstown met Mr Wong’s son, the man who had named the three of us.

The names parents choose for their children embody the hopes, aspirations and dreams they have for them. Chinese names in particular, with their many possible wonderful layers of meaning, allegory and poetry, lend themselves well to this.

For their eldest son, Papa and Mama chose the name 显龙 (Hsien Loong). It means “illustrious dragon”. It was an appropriate and auspicious name for a boy, especially one born in the year of the dragon.  

For my sister they chose the name 玮玲 (Wei Ling), which means “the beautiful sound of tinkling jade”. I suppose Mama thought that that was an appropriate and feminine name for a daughter, thought I don’t think it in any way circumscribe Ling’s development!  

For me, they chose the name 显扬 (Hsien Yang). Some people think that since I am called Yang, I must be born in the Year of the Goat. Actually it is several years berfore me, if I was born in the Year of the Goat, I would be 60 now.

The name 扬 which mean 赞扬 or 表扬 and indeed it has more literary origin. It was taken from (三字經). Though my mother used to tease me before I knew this and said, your name means that you are an “Illustrious show off”. Actually the phrase that it was taken from was 扬名声,显父母 which means to bring honour and glory to your parents.

I am sure many Singaporeans travelling abroad have often received compliments on Singapore and its transformation over the last fifty years. Usually the conversation also would acknowledge the contributions of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. I would nod in agreement and  but I would not  acknowledge my relationship and I just kept quiet, and say it’s been a remarkable journey. Unsolicited compliments like this are the most authentic and heartfelt. Keeping private my family connection only served to enhance the pleasure for me. Sadly, as I developed a more visible public profile, it became harder not to be recognized as Lee Hsien Yang and my father's son.  

I have taught my children never to mention or flaunt their relationship to their grandfather, that they needed to make their own way in the world only on their own merits and industry. I have suggested to them that should they be asked whether they are related to Lee Kuan Yew, that a good answer was to say my name is spelt “Li”. Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s name is spelt “Lee”. “Li” is one of the most common Chinese surnames in the world and given it’s a Chinese surname it is probably one of the more common surnames in the world. This response which I suggested was not meant to mislead or to obfuscate. It is born out of a desire to be recognised for who we are as individuals and not for who we are related to. We are immensely proud of Papa and his achievements, and yet perhaps it is part of our DNA to seek our own way in life. I am sure that Papa would not have wanted otherwise.

Papa, thank you for a lifetime of service to the people of Singapore. You made this little red dot into the nation all of us are proud to call home.

Papa, thank you for being a wonderful husband and companion to Mama. For loving her completely and for caring for her during your illnes and during your lives together. 

Papa, thank you for being my own special father. Always there to guide, counsel and advise me, every step of the way, but also prepared to step back and to let me find my own wings and to make my own way. 

Papa, thank you for loving my wife, and my children, Shengwu, Huanwu and Shaowu. You have been a loving grandfather to each of them, sharing small pleasures, enjoying their companionship.

Papa, it is hard to say goodbye. Your work is done and your rest is richly deserved. In our own different and diverse ways, my family and I will continue to honour you and your memory in all that we do.

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